

Researching Your Family Tree



Have you ever wondered about your great-grandparents?
Or have you wanted to work on your family history, but you had no idea how to get started?
If you answered yes to these questions, this FREE interactive tutorial is for you.


The course outline is displayed in the left menu. You are free to navigate through the course in any way that you desire.
However, if you are new to genealogy, it is recommended that you proceed through the modules in the sequence shown.


This self-paced tutorial is designed for beginning genealogists with basic computer and Internet skills.
To benefit from this course, you must be able to:


During this tutorial, you will learn to locate family history information and gather documentation to confirm the accuracy of your information.
After successfully completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
- Ask questions that elicit important family history information from knowledgeable relatives.

- Record names, dates, places, and sources on Ancestor Charts and Family Group Sheets.

- Use online databases for locating family history information.

- Use the Google search engine to find web pages containing information on your ancestors.

- Collect vital records documenting births, marriages, and deaths.

- Locate other documentation about your family such as census records, probate records, church records, and military records.


You are now ready to begin the tutorial. To begin with Module 1,
click here.
To begin the course with a different module, choose a module from the left menu near the top of the page.
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