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Index to Louisiana Revolutionary War Patriots
Copyright © 2024 Debbie Duay, Fort Lauderdale, FL.  All Rights Reserved.
This list is a transcription of names that appear in various approved sources of service for Louisiana during the Revolutionary War.
In addition to Louisiana, patriots who resided in what is now St Louis, Missouri and Ste Genevieve, Missouri during the War are also included.
This list is NOT a complete list of all possible Louisiana Revolutionary War patriots. 
We assume NO RESPONSIBILITY for the accuracy of the information.  This site is simply a GUIDE to POSSIBLE Louisiana patriots.  
You must determine for yourself whether the Revolutionary War service and the lineage will be accepted by the DAR before submitting an application.
If you have a Louisiana patriot in the list below and you are a woman interested in joining the Daughters of the American Revolution
(DAR), complete the "DAR Membership Interest Form" at this link.
A local chapter will contact you.
IMPORTANT:  Some names appear in French and some appear in Spanish.  Look for names in BOTH French and Spanish 
(e.g., Jean Baptiste & Juan Bautista, Louis & Luis, Antoine & Antonio, Pierre & Pedro, etc.).  
Be sure to check various spellings and misspellings.  Many names, especially those in the St. Louis, Missouri 1780 Militia List  
("Spanish Regime in MO"), are severely misspelled.  In fact, even the first letter of the surname can be incorrect (e.g., Vizonette rather than Bissonet).
If you do not find a name that you are seeking, try spelling the name as it sounds.
The patriots that have already been approved by the DAR will have the notation "in DAR Ancestor Database" in the Comments section on the right.
To look these patriots up in the DAR Ancestor Database, click here.
Revolutionary War service for Louisiana patriots must date from 24 Dec 1776 to 26 Nov 1783, and the service type is always Patriotic Service as
Spain did not have a treaty with the American colonies.
For the source of service for names in "Spanish Records," click here.
For names appearing in "Canary Islands Migration," click here.
For names appearing in "Spanish Regime in MO," click here.
For names appearing in "Honor & Fidelity," "Natchitoches Colonials 1722-1803," "Acadian Coast in 1779," 
"MS Valley Melange Vol 2," "Militiamen of Ste Genevieve," or "Le Raconteur, Vol 35 or 36,"
 email the person's name, source, and page number to
Revolutionary War Patriot
Last Name First Name Source of Service Page # Comments
Abbadie Jacques Spanish Records 109
Abilla Joseph Spanish Records 109
Abreo Blais Garcia de Canary Islands Migration 6
Abreo Nicolas Perez de Canary Islands Migration 6
Abreu Antonio Garcia de Canary Islands Migration 13
Abreu Juan de Canary Islands Migration 59
Abshire John Baptiste Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Acebedo Carlos Theodoro de Canary Islands Migration 45
Achtziger Christophe Le Raconteur, Vol 35 in DAR Ancestor Database
Acosta Andres de Canary Islands Migration 67
Acosta Antonio Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Acosta Domingo Antonio de Canary Islands Migration 1
Acosta Ignacio de Honor & Fidelity 89
Acosta Jose Spanish Records 57
Acosta Pedro Canary Islands Migration 71
Acosta (De Acosta) Tomas Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Adam Francois Spanish Records 107, 123
Adam Louis Spanish Records 108, 124
Adams Jean Baptiste Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Adle Jean Baptiste Etienne Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Aglar Joachim de Canary Islands Migration 55
Agraus Joseph Spanish Records 318
Aguado Antonio Honor & Fidelity 89
Aguilar Antonio Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Aguilar Antonio Romo y Canary Islands Migration 54
Aguilar Josef Garcia Canary Islands Migration 44
Aguilar Juan de Canary Islands Migration 69
Aguilar Lucas Canary Islands Migration 46
Aguin Thomas Spanish Records 112
Agustino Julian Honor & Fidelity 89
Aidler Juan Luiz Spanish Records 124
Aigre Juan Louis Spanish Records 107
Ail Balthazar Spanish Records 109
Ailhaud St Anne Jean Antoine Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Ailhaud St Anne Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Aime Charles Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Aime (Emme) Francisco Spanish Records 136
Aitu Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Alamo Josef del Canary Islands Migration 53
Alard Luis Honor & Fidelity 162
Alaric Joseph Spanish Records 109
Albert Andre Spanish Records 111
Albert George Spanish Records 111
Aldelt Jean Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 42
Aleman Blas Canary Islands Migration 36
Aleman Francisco Canary Islands Migration 43
Aleman Josef Canary Islands Migration 72
Aleman (De Alleman) Juan Canary Islands Migration 14 in DAR Ancestor Database
Aleosia Gaspar Antonio Canary Islands Migration 58
Aleu Magin Honor & Fidelity 90
Alfonso Juan Antonio Canary Islands Migration 12
Alin Batiste Spanish Records 317, 319
Allain Agustin Honor & Fidelity 162
Allain Jean Francois Jr Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Allain Jean Francois Sr Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Allain Pedro Honor & Fidelity 163
Allard (Alard) Luis Honor & Fidelity 162
Almeyda Josef Enrique de Canary Islands Migration 41
Alonso Antonio Canary Islands Migration 6
Alonso Antonio Canary Islands Migration 17
Alonso Bernardo Luis Canary Islands Migration 57
Alonso Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 12
Alonso Phelipe Luis Canary Islands Migration 55
Alva Narcisse de Spanish Records 121, 124
Alvarado (De Alvarado) Juan Canary Islands Migration in DAR Ancestor Database
Alvares Manuel Spanish Records 125
Alvarez Francisco Canary Islands Migration 56
Amado Francisco Canary Islands Migration; Spanish Records 1; 76
Anbelleton Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, Oct 1782 List
Andrez Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Andry Gilberto Honor & Fidelity 163-164
Andry Louis Antoine Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Anfray Francisco Spanish Records 110
Anstibe Baptiste Spanish Records 111
Antailla Francois Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Antiles Felipe Canary Islands Migration 13
Antoine Claudio Spanish Records 108, 124
Anty Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Anty Louis Armand Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Aquin Thomas Spanish Records 112
Arbre Abelle Spanish Records 247
Arcenau Joseph MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Argote Antonio Honor & Fidelity 164
Arieu (Ariou) Pedro Spanish Records 108
Armand Antoine MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Armant Jean Marie Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Armant Louis Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 44
Armas Antonio Josef de Canary Islands Migration 41
Armas (De Armas y Arcila) Christobal Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Armas Francisco Josef de Canary Islands Migration 54
Armas Josef Ruiz de Canary Islands Migration 74
Armas Lorenzo de Canary Islands Migration 74
Arnal Juan Bautista Spanish Records 108
Arnau Charles Spanish Records 109
Arnault Joseph Spanish Records 109, 117
Arsenaux Joseph Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Ascano Domingo Antonio Canary Islands Migration in DAR Ancestor Database
Aselin Joseph Spanish Records 106, 123
Asma Paul Spanish Records 108
Aubuchon Antoine Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Aubuchon (Obuchon) Antoine Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Aubuchon Auguste Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Aubuchon Pierre, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Aubuchon Pierre, pere Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Aubuchon (Obuchon) Pedro  Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, Feb 1783 List
Audibert Miguel Spanish Records 109
Aufroy Francisco Spanish Records 110
Augustin Josef Canary Islands Migration 3
Auret Bertrand MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Aury Baptiste Spanish Records 318
Aury Jans Spanish Records 318
Auteman Federico Honor & Fidelity 91
Autier Jean Joseph Acadian Coast in 1779 36
Avart Roberto Spanish Records 121, 127
Avart Valentin Robert Honor & Fidelity 165
Aventano Jose Francisco Spanish Records 57
Avila Geronimo Quintero de Canary Islands Migration 20
Avila Roque de Bordon Canary Islands Migration 34
Aymond (Emond) Charles Spanish Records 330
Aymond (Emond) Francois Spanish Records 330
Babin Amand Acadian Coast in 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Babin Charles Acadian Coast in 1779 35
Babin Etienne Spanish Records 317
Babin Firmin Acadian Coast in 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Babin Francois Acadian Coast in 1779 33
Babin Ignace Spanish Records 319
Babin Joseph Acadian Coast in 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Babin Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Babin Paul Spanish Records 318, 319
Babin Siprien Spanish Records 317
Babino Dominique MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Badeau Dominique MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 50; 136
Bahot Pierre Spanish Records 331
Balderas Ignacio Honor & Fidelity 92
Balle Alexandro Spanish Regime in MO 186
Balle Carlos Spanish Regime in MO 185
Baptiste Etienne Spanish Records 110
Baptiste Manuel Spanish Records 106
Baptiste Manuel Juan Spanish Records 125
Barat Juan Bautista Honor & Fidelity 165-166
Barbaroux Guilhaume Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 42
Barberou Jacques Spanish Records 109
Barbin Prosper Casimir Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Bardel Jean Spanish Records 109
Bare Francois Spanish Records 106, 128, 247
Barella/Varella Nicolas Spanish Records 124
Bargas Luis Antonio Canary Islands Migration 6
Barnier (Bernier) Francois Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Barossa Antonio Canary Islands Migration 53
Barras Antoine Spanish Records; Ms Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Barras Vincent Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Barre Francois Spanish Records 106, 128, 247
Barre (De La Barre) Francois Joseph Pascalis Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Barre Juan Bautista Spanish Records 124, 247
Barre Richard Spanish Records 126
Barrera Francisco Spanish Regime in MO 189
Barrero Pedro Canary Islands Migration 19
Barrios Diego Rafael de Canary Islands Migration 19
Barrios Josef Juan de Canary Islands Migration 17
Barrios Mariano Antonio Spanish Records 57
Barrois Francois Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Barroso (De La Paz Barroso) Hilarion Joseph Antonio De La Paz Canary Islands Migration 54 in DAR Ancestor Database
Basedonio Lorenzo Spanish Regime in MO 184
Basor Basilio Spanish Regime in MO 185
Basor Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 185
Basquez Antonio Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Basseterre Antonio Spanish Records 128
Bassot Juan Antonio de Honor & Fidelity 93
Baudoin (Boduen) Jean Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1780 Lists
Baudouin Alfonse MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Baudouin Francisco Spanish Records 136
Baudouin Pierre (Pedro) Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Baum (De La Baum) Joseph Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Baurele Roberto Spanish Records 128
Bayonne Joseph MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Beancur Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 188
Beauceron Etienne Spanish Records 331
Beaudoin  (Baudoin) Jean (Boduen) Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1780 Lists
Beaudoin  (Baduen) Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 188
Beaudoin  (Boduen) Juan Spanish Regime in MO 187
Beaudoin  (Boduen) Luis Spanish Regime in MO 188
Beaufort Francisco Spanish Records 110
Beauregard Elie Toutant Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Belan Joseph Spanish Records 103, 122
Belanger Pierre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Belestre Francois Louis Picote de Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Belestre/Bellestre Francisco Honor & Fidelity 93
Belhumeur  (Belhumor) Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 187
Bellair Hubert Spanish Records 118
Bellard Antoine Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Bellehomme Joseph Landry dit Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Bellemard Charles Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Bellemard Pierre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Bellisle (Belislle) Francisco Simars de Spanish Records 54
Bellisle Pablo MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Bello Antonio Canary Islands Migration 57
Bello Donato Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Belly Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Belome Gregoire Gaspar Spanish Records 105, 122
Belpecher Antonio Spanish Regime in MO 187
Belsome Enrique Spanish Records 136
Beltran Thomas Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Beltron Diego Rodriguez Canary Islands Migration 61
Beluc Valentino Spanish Records 126
Beluche Rinaldo Spanish Records 108, 127
Belvue Simon Fontenau MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Benitez Juan Canary Islands Migration 7
Beno Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 185
Beno Luis Spanish Regime in MO 185
Benoist Jean MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Benoist de Ste Clere Juan Bautista Spanish Records 113
Benoit Etienne Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Benoit Jean Charles Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Benoit Maturin Spanish Records 318, 319
Bentura Christoval Canary Islands Migration 29
Bequet Andres Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Bequet Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Bequet Carlos Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Bequet Jean Baptiste, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Bequet Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Bequet Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Bequette Gabriel Spanish Regime in MO 188
Bequette Jean Baptiste Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Bequette Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 188
Berard Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Berde Francisco Canary Islands Migration 21
Bergara Jose Euxenio de Spanish Records 57
Berge Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 188
Bergeron Carlos MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Bergeron Charles Acadian Coast in 1779 36
Bergeron George Spanish Records 331
Bergeron Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Bergeron Jean Baptiste Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Bergeron Joseph Spanish Records 330
Bergeron Louis Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Bergeron Marin MS Valley Melange, V2; Le Raconteur, V36 51; 221
Bergeron Michelle Le Raconteur, Vol 36 223
Bergeron Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Berloy Francisco Canary Islands Migration 5
Berluche Simon Spanish Records 104, 125
Berlucho Francois Spanish Records 103, 108, 126
Bermar Luis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Bermudes Salvador Canary Islands Migration 35
Bermudez Gregoria Canary Islands Migration 16
Bermuzez Josef Canary Islands Migration 15
Bernard Andree Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Bernard Andres Spanish Records 136
Bernard Elie Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 37, 42
Bernard Jean MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Bernard Jean Baptiste Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Bernard Michel Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Bernard Pierre MS Valley Melange, V2; Le Raconteur, V36 52; 221
Bernier Francisco Spanish Regime in MO 188
Bernier  (Barnier) Francois Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Bernier  (Bernie) Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 186
Beron Esteban Spanish Regime in MO 188
Bertaud Augustin Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
  Berteau Pierre Le Raconteur, Vol 36 in DAR Ancestor Database
  Bertoule Bertrand Spanish Records 110
  Bertrand Alexis MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 51; 136
Bertrand Amable Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Bertrand Antoine MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 51; 135
Bertrand Juan Bautista Spanish Records 112, 125, 136
Bertrand Juan Luis Spanish Records 126
Bertrand Louis Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Bertrand Pierre Spanish Records 112, 125
Bertrand Thomas Spanish Records 127
Bertucho Francois Spanish Records 103, 108, 126
Berzat dit La Fleur Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Bessier  (Vessier) Juan Spanish Records 126
Besson Julien Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Betancour Luis/Louis Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Betancourt Francisco Guttierrez Canary Islands Migration 73
Beurele Roberto Spanish Records 128
Bibaren Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 184
Bienvenue Antonio Honor & Fidelity 168
Bienvenue Jean Baptiste Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Bienvenue Roberto Spanish Records 124
Bigraud Juan Spanish Records 124
Billegas Jose Spanish Records 57
Binay Antonio Spanish Records 110
Birot Francisco Spanish Records 125
Bisette Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Bissonet Francois Spanish Regime in MO in DAR Ancestor Database
Bissonet Louis Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Bissonet  (Vizonete) Andres Spanish Regime in MO 185
Bissonet  (Vizonete) Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 186
Bissonet  (Vizonete) Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 185
Bissot Joseph Spanish Records 106, 127
Blais Antonio Spanish Records 109
Blanc Luis Spanish Records 126
Blanc Pierrot de Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39
Blanc (De Blanc) Louis Charles Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Blanchard Andres Spanish Records 136
Blanchard Anselme Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Blanchard Firmin Spanish Records 319
Blanchard Geronimo Honor & Fidelity 169
Blanchard Michelle Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Blanchard Victor Spanish Records 290
Blanco Juan Honor & Fidelity 95-96
Blanco Juan Francisco Perez Canary Islands Migration 5
Blanco Pedro Honor & Fidelity 96
Blondeau Louis Spanish Records 109
Bodaille Andre Spanish Records 128
Boduen Juan Spanish Regime in MO 187
Bofrer Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 187
Bogeneau Nicolas Spanish Regime in MO 187
Boisineaur Louis Spanish Records 320    
Boisseron (Beauceron) Etienne Spanish Records 331    
Boiver Baptiste MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52    
Bolduc Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Bolo Luis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Bolon Hipolito Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, Nov 1782 List
Bolon Ypolito Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Bonboluar Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Boner Pedro Spanish Records 51
Bonin Antoine LA Sol in Am Revolution; Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Bonin Jean Louis Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Bonin Paul Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Boniquet Antonio Honor & Fidelity 169
Bonnavauliere Andre Spanish Records 331
Bonnaventure Andre Spanish Records 331
Bonnet Pierre Spanish Records 109
Bordel Jean Spanish Records 109
Bordelon Antoine Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Bordon Roque de Avila Canary Islands Migration 34
Borel Pierre Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Boret Andre Spanish Records 109
Borjas Phelipe Juan Canary Islands Migration 54
Borme Louis Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 37, 42
Borne Ambroise MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Borne Francisco Spanish Records 136
Borne Guillaume Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Borrosie Francisco Spanish Regime in MO 185
Bossier Francois Paul Spanish Records; Ms Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Bossier Georges Le Raconteur, Vol 35 in DAR Ancestor Database
Bossier Pierre Honor & Fidelity; MS Valley Melange, Vol2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Botello Lazaro Canary Islands Migration 68
Bouai Rafael Spanish Records 136
Boucerou Jean Spanish Records 331
Boucher Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Boudreaux Augustin Remy Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Boudreaux Simon Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Bouillon Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Boulay Noel Spanish Records 110
Bouligny Francisco Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Bouller Jean MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Boullery Nicolas Spanish Records 128
Bouniquet Josef Antonio Honor & Fidelity 170
Bourasa Charle Spanish Records 247
Bourbon Jean Spanish Records 109
Bourbonais Jean Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Bourbonnais Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, Nov 1782 List
Bourg Joseph MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Bourgeois Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Bourgeois Jean Baptiste MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Bourgeois Joseph Spanish Records 136
Bourgeois Joseph Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Bourgeois Joseph Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Bourgeois Michelle Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Bourgeois Pierre Le Raconteur, Vol 36 223
Bourgeois Yzaac MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Bourgignon Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Bourguignon Manuel Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Bourillard Jean Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Bourlis Nicolas Spanish Records 107
Bourne Antoine Le Raconteur, Vol 35 in DAR Ancestor Database
Boutin Joseph MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Boutte Antoine Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Boutte Francois Cezar Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Boutte Hilaire MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Boutte Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Boutte Philippe MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 55; 290
Boye Juan Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Boyer Andre Spanish Records 136
Boyer Carlos Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Boyer Jaques/Jacobo Militiamen Ste Genevieve, 1779, Oct1782 List
Boyer Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780, 1783 Lists
Boyer Nicolas, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Boyer Pierre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Brainet Agustin Spanish Records 52
Brandon Gerard TBD in DAR Ancestor Database
Brasseur Pierre Spanish Records 319
Brasseux Blaise Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Brasseux Carlos Spanish Records 103, 110, 135
Brau Atanas Acadian Coast in 1779 36
Brau Paulle Acadian Coast in 1779 35
Braud Joseph Acadian Coast 1779; MS Valley Melange 32; 52
Braud Pierre MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Brauer/Braux/Breaux Charlle Spanish Records 319
Brauer/Braux/Breaux Jens Spanish Records 320
Brauer/Braux/Breaux Joseph Spanish Records 317, 318, 319
Brauer/Braux/Breaux Josephe Mari Spanish Records 319
Brauer/Braux/Breaux Michelle Spanish Records 318, 319
Brauer/Braux/Breaux Pierre/Pieran Spanish Records 317, 318, 320
Brauer/Braux/Brou Francois Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Breau Amant MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Breaux Firmin Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Breaux Pierre Le Raconteur, Vol 36 220
Breaux Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Breaux  (Brofils) Jean Spanish Records 106
Breda Luis Spanish Regime in MO 188
Bredelets Juan Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Brignac Mathieu MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Brignac Michel Spanish Records 246
Brigpohe Ignacio Spanish Regime in MO 185
Brisset Juan Spanish Records 126
Brofils Juan Spanish Records 106, 126
Broquedis Pierre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 39, 42
Brosset Pierre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Brou   Francois Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Broum Guillaume Spanish Records 109
Broupard Renez/Benez Spanish Records 289
Broussard Amand Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Broussard Augustin Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Broussard Claude Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Broussard Firmin Acadian Coast in 1779 35
Broussard Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Broussard Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Broussard Joseph Spanish Records 290
Broussard Mathurin MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Broussard Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Broussard Rene Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Broussard Silvain Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Broussard Simon Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Broussard Theodore MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Broyar Etienne Spanish Records 104
Brucieras Juan Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 188
Brune Francois MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Bruneaux Saturerin Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Brunet Antonio Spanish Regime in MO 188
Brunet Luis Spanish Regime in MO 187
Brunet Noel Spanish Regime in MO 185
Bruntaud Pierre Spanish Records 109
Buard Augustin, fils Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Buard Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Buard Louis Gabriel Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Buebalta Antonio Spanish Records 124
Bujeau Carlos MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Bujeaud Etienne Acadian Coast in 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Bulrry Luis Spanish Regime in MO 188
Buscaleon/Buscaban Bertrand Spanish Records 128
Bustamante Jose Spanish Records 56
Caballero Luis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Cabera Josef De Nerez Canary Islands Migration 50
Cabo Josef Canary Islands Migration 6
Cabral Mathias Canary Islands Migration 61
Cabrera Domingo Canary Islands Migration 19
Cabrera Estevan Canary Islands Migration 43
Cabrera Matheo Canary Islands Migration 75
Cabrera Mathias Canary Islands Migration 45
Cabrera Salvador de la Cruz Canary Islands Migration 74
Cabrero Josef Martin Canary Islands Migration 5
Cadet Pedro Spanish Records 106
Caduc Juan Spanish Records 126
Cahier Joseph Spanish Records 105
Cahieux Nicolas Spanish Records 122
Caida Francisco Spanish Regime in MO 189
Caignard Santiago Spanish Records 53
Caissy dit Roger Joseph Acadian Coast in 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Calderon Francois Etienne Spanish Records 106
Cale Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 184
Calers Williams Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Callero Pedro Jorge Canary Islands Migration 32
Callier Joseph Spanish Records 124
Calve Joseph Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Camacho Antonio Gonzales Canary Islands Migration 21
Camarsac Martin Spanish Records 110, 126
Cambas Juan Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 186
Cambre Antoine MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Caminge Jean Spanish Records 104, 123
Campderos Juan Spanish Records 123
Campeau Francois Spanish Records 247
Campeau  (Canpo) Pablo Spanish Regime in MO 188
Campo Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Campos Jean Baptiste Militiamen Ste Genevieve,1779, Dec1782 List
Campos Joachim Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Canbergue Santiago Spanish Records 125
Canelly Emond Spanish Records 128
Cangue Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Canouay Mauricio Spanish Records 112
Canpo Pablo Spanish Regime in MO 188
Cansiles Leon Canary Islands Migration 45
Cantara Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 186
Cantrell Jacques Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Cantrell Michel Honor & Fidelity; Acadian Coast 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Cantrell Michel Le Raconteur, Vol 36 220
Cantrell Santiago Honor & Fidelity; Spanish Records 172; 51
Capderos Juan Spanish Records 121, 123
Caraballo Bartholome Canary Islands Migration 75
Caraby Juan Bautista Spanish Records 126
Caraby Pedro dit Dubois Spanish Records 123, 124
Carache Juan Spanish Records 127
Carbo Juan Gonzales Canary Islands Migration 4
Carceaux Nicholas Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Carco Louis Spanish Records 109
Carco Nicolas Spanish Records 110
Card Joseph Spanish Records 126
Caridad Manuel de la Canary Islands Migration 72
Carlin Joseph Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Carmarsaque Martin Spanish Records 247
Carpentier Henri Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Carrero Christoval Lorenzo Canary Islands Migration 59
Carriere Jean Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Carriere Michel Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Carriere Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Carrillo Antonio Josef Canary Islands Migration 7
Carron Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Carron Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Carsoule Arnault Spanish Records 108
Carta Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Cartavona Francisco de Spanish Records 3
Casanoba Juan Spanish Regime in MO 188
Casanola Juan Alonso Canary Islands Migration 51
Caseberbue Jacques Spanish Records 104
Casimiro Simon Canary Islands Migration 15
Castanedo Francisco Canary Islands Migration 5
Castese Dominique Spanish Records 109
Castille Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Castillo Antonio del Canary Islands Migration 7
Castillo Antonio Francisco del Canary Islands Migration 67
Castillo Juan Francisco del Canary Islands Migration 67
Castillo Manuel del Honor & Fidelity 173
Caumau/Caumon Jens Charles Spanish Records 318, 319
Cavalier Antoine Dauphin Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Cavalier Juan Bautista Spanish Records 121, 124
Cavalier Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Cavalier Louis Spanish Records 108
Cavallero Bartolome Canary Islands Migration
Caze Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 186
Cazorla Antonio Canary Islands Migration 34
Cazorla Francisco Canary Islands Migration 34
Cerdena Alonso Canary Islands Migration 31
Certainriche Jorge Spanish Records 109
Chabaud Juan Joseph Spanish Records 123
Chabert Pedro Spanish Records 54
Chaignot Michel Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 43
Chaine Verd Joseph Le Raconteur, Vol 36 223
Chaise Carlos de la Honor & Fidelity 178
Chaise (De La Chaise) Honore Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Chaler Francisco Spanish Records 125
Chalmette de Lino Ignace Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Chambon Estevan Spanish Records 110, 125
Champagne George MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Champagne Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Champagne Jean Louis Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Champignolle Jean Pierre Spanish Records 331
Chanbon Estevan Spanish Records 110, 125
Chanrrion Carlos Spanish Regime in MO 187
Chantillon (Chatillon) Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Chapelle Jerome Spanish Records 105
Chaperon Joseph Spanish Records 112
Charnero Josef Rodriguez Canary Islands Migration 13
Chartran Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 187
Chatelero Luis Spanish Regime in MO 186
Chatillon (Chantillon) Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Chauf Antoine Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Chaune Patric Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Chauve George MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Chauvin Francois, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Chauvin Francois, pere Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Chauvin Hypolite Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Chauvin Jean Baptiste Acadian Coast in 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Chauvin Michel Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Chauvin Pablo Spanish Records 136
Chauvin Pierre Militiamen Ste Genevieve,1779, Dec1782 List
Cheletre Bernabe/Barnabe Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Cheletre Francois dit Lecomte Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Cheletre Pierre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Chenevert Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Chenie Juan Bautista Spanish Records 136
Cher Juan Spanish Records 128
Cherbrier Etienne Spanish Records 109
Chery Antoine Spanish Records 109
Chevalier (Chavalie) Luis Spanish Regime in MO 185
Chevert Guilhaume Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Chiason Paul Spanish Records 319
Chil Luis Spanish Regime in MO 186
Chiloque Bernardo Spanish Records 111
Chitabre Martin Spanish Records 318
Chitts Hiacinthe MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Chocho Guillermo Gonzales Canary Islands Migration 13
Chole Francisco Spanish Regime in MO 185
Choquet Julien Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List in DAR Ancestor Database
Chorret Nicolas Spanish Regime in MO 185
Choteau Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 186
Chouteau Don Agustin Spanish Regime in MO 184
Chovin Pablo Spanish Records 136
Christian Santiago Spanish Records 136
Christian (Xtian) Jacobo Spanish Records 136
Christy Jacques Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Claire Bazitte Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Clairtaud Pedro Spanish Records 127
Clarisen Antonio Honor & Fidelity 101
Clark Daniel Spanish Records 114
Claro Domingo Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 52
Clasen Pierre Spanish Records 109
Clausaut Guilbert Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 44
Clomb Jacques MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Clouatre Jauseph Spanish Records 318, 320
Clouatre Pierre Spanish Records 318, 320
Clouet Alejandro de (Jr) Honor & Fidelity 177
Clouet Alexandro de Honor & Fidelity 177
Cloutier Gabriel Spanish Records 136
Clozeau Gilbert Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39
Cobra Juan Canary Islands Migration 4
Cocu Pierre Spanish Records 107
Coffigny Claude Spanish Records 107, 123
Col Andre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Colet Paul Spanish Records 111
Colete Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Colin Nicolas Lauve dit Spanish Records 126
Colino Nicolas Alonso Canary Islands Migration 70
Collado Tomas Canary Islands Migration 30
Colmand Francois Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Colomb Claude Spanish Records 104, 125
Colomb/Colon Francois Spanish Records 104
Colomb/Colon Valentin Spanish Records 104, 126
Comeaux Charles Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Comeaux Jean Charles Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Comeaux/Common Etienne Spanish Records 319
Comeaux/Common Firmin Spanish Records 318, 319
Comeaux/Common Jauseph Spanish Records 319
Comeaux/Common Pierre Spanish Records 319
Connard Antoine Spanish Records 247
Conrad Andre MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Constant Marc Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Coquelin Jacques Spanish Records 105
Coquelin Santiago Spanish Records 125
Corasol Jean Spanish Records 108
Corbo Francisco Spanish Records 52
Cormier Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Cormier Michel Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Corno Francisco Spanish Regime in MO 186
Correaux Jean Baptiste Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Cortua Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Corvo Josef Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 21
Cote Alexandro Spanish Regime in MO 184
Cote Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 188
Coudaugnan Antonio Honor & Fidelity 103
Couder Pedro Spanish Records 125
Couders Pierre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Counard/Connard Antoine Spanish Records 247
Couniole Salvador Spanish Records 106, 127
Couperhoiait Jacob Acadian Coast in 1779 33
Coureaux Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Courege Juan Spanish Records 126
Courtois Jaques Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Courtois Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Courtois Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Coussat Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Cousset/Coussot Henri Spanish Records 109
Cousso Alexandro Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Couture Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Couturier Jean Baptiste Militiamen Ste Genevieve,1779, Feb1783 List
Cozuna Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 71
Crepeau  (Crepo) Luis Spanish Regime in MO 187
Cretien  (Cristian) Jacobo Spanish Records 136
Crevre Jacques MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Croisee Francois MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Croisillon Noel Spanish Records 109
Croizet Simon Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Croque Jacque Spanish Records 247
Cros Baldirio del Honor & Fidelity 103
Croslet Pedro Spanish Records 135
Cruz Antonio de la Canary Islands Migration 53
Cruz Josef Antonio de la Canary Islands Migration 1
Cruz Josef Gonzalez de la Canary Islands Migration 58
Cruz Juan Bauptista de la Honor & Fidelity 103-104
Cruzat Francisco Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Cruzat (Grezat) Santiague Spanish Records 127
Cubas Alonso de Canary Islands Migration 45
Cubas Ramon de Canary Islands Migration 34
Cudorche Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 185
Cuebelo Geronimo Canary Islands Migration 74
Cuellar Manuel Vicente Honor & Fidelity; Spanish Records 175; 5, 38, 56
Cure Jean Spanish Records 109
Cuzot Simon Spanish Regime in MO 187
Cuzot (Cuzote) Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 187
Daigle Alexis MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 51; 136
Daigle Estevan Spanish Records 136
Daigle Josef Spanish Records 136
Dalcourt Pierre Spanish Records 110
Dallemand Pierre Spanish Records 330
Daltarsse Jean Spanish Records 289
Daniel Nicolas Spanish Regime in MO 187
Danneville Daniel Spanish Records 125
Darbonne Pierre Guison Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Darby Juan Spanish Records 121, 126
Dardenne Athanase Spanish Records 320
Dartigaux Juan Bautista Honor & Fidelity 176
Datchurut Jean Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Daublin Nicolas Acadian Coast in 1779 31
Daublin Noel Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Dauphin Jacques Spanish Records 111
Dauphin Joseph Spanish Records 111
Dauphin Juan Spanish Records 128
Dauphin Pierre Spanish Records 109, 111
Dauzat Antoine Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
David Andre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38
David Claude Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
David Etienne Spanish Records 330
David Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
David Jean Jacques Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 44
David Juan MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
David Louis Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
David Paul Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
David Pierre Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Davila Josef Canary Islands Migration 51
Davion Dominque Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Davion Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Davion Louis Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
De Abreo Blais Garcia Canary Islands Migration 6
De Abreo Nicolas Perez Canary Islands Migration 6
De Abreu Antonio Garcia Canary Islands Migration 13
De Abreu Juan Canary Islands Migration 59
De Acebedo Carlos Theodoro Canary Islands Migration 45
De Acosta Andres Canary Islands Migration 67
De Acosta Domingo Antonio Canary Islands Migration 1
De Acosta Ignacio Honor & Fidelity 89
De Acosta Tomas (Thomas) Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
De Aglar Joaquim Canary Islands Migration 55
De Aguilar Juan Canary Islands Migration 69
De Alleman Juan Canary Islands Migration 14 in DAR Ancestor Database
De Almeyda Josef Enrique Canary Islands Migration 41
De Alva Narcisse Spanish Records 121, 124
De Alvarado Juan Canary Islands Migration in DAR Ancestor Database
De Armas Antonio Josef Canary Islands Migration 41
De Armas Francisco Josef Canary Islands Migration 54
De Armas Josef Ruiz Canary Islands Migration 74
De Armas Lorenzo Canary Islands Migration 74
De Armas y Arcila Christobal Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
De Avila Geronimo Quintero Canary Islands Migration 20
De Avila Bordon Roque Canary Islands Migration 34
De Bargas Luis Antonio Canary Islands Migration 6
De Barrios Diego Rafael Canary Islands Migration 19
De Barrios Josef Juan Canary Islands Migration 17
De Bassot Juan Antonio Honor & Fidelity 93
De Belestre Francois Louis Picote Other in DAR Ancestor Database
De Blanc Louis Charles Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
De Blanc Pierrot Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39
Debo Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 185
Debordes Jacques MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Debordes Jean Spanish Records 247
Debrande Francois MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
De Cartavona Francisco Spanish Records 3
Dechene Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 188
Dechene Pierre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
De Clouet Alexandro Honor & Fidelity 177
De Clouet Alejandro (Jr) Honor & Fidelity 177
Decoursel Achille Spanish Records 108, 123
Decoux Pierre Spanish Records 331
De Cubas Alonso Canary Islands Migration 45
De Cubas Ramon Canary Islands Migration 34
Decuir Jean Paul Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Decuir Joseph Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Decuir Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
De Estrada Nicolas Canary Islands Migration 69
De Favrot Pedro Josef Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Deflandre Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Deflandre Pedro Spanish Records 128
De Frean Juan Spanish Records 3
De Fuentes Antonio Canary Islands Migration 16
De Goutin Carlos de Ville Honor & Fidelity 110
De Goutin Joseph de Ville Honor & Fidelity 111
De Grandpre Carlos Luis Buche Spanish Records & Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
De Gruy Jean Baptiste Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Deguire Andre, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Deguire Andre, pere Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Deguire Andres Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Deguire Pierre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
De Herrera Juan Josef Canary Islands Migration 2
De Jean Antoine Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
De Jean (Dejan) Etienne Spanish Records 108
Del Alamo Josef Canary Islands Migration 53
De La Barre Francois Joseph Pascalis Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
De La Baum Joseph Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Delaca Jean Baptiste Spanish Records 110
De La Caridad Manuel Canary Islands Migration 72
De La Chaise (Delachaise) Carlos Honor & Fidelity 178
De La Chaise Honore Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
De La Cruz Antonio Canary Islands Migration 53
De La Cruz Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 1
De La Cruz Josef Gonzalez Canary Islands Migration 58
De La Cruz Juan Bauptista Honor & Fidelity 103-104
De La Fosse Romain Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
De La Fuente Juan Alonso Canary Islands Migration 72
De La Houssaye Louis Le Pelletier Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
De La Miranda Josef Honor & Fidelity 208
De La Morandiere Etienne Robert Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
De Land Jacques Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
De Lande (Delande) Estevan Spanish Records 135
De La Nuez Manuel Canary Islands Migration 73
De La Paz Antonio Rafael Canary Islands Migration 53
De La Paz Bernardo Canary Islands Migration 53
De La Paz Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 44
De La Paz Josef Maria Canary Islands Migration 44
De La Paz Barroso Hilarion Joseph Antonio Canary Islands Migration 54 in DAR Ancestor Database
De La Pena Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 75
De La Pena Josef Lopez Honor & Fidelity; Spanish Records 107; 3
De La Roja Juan Antonio Canary Islands Migration 68
De La Ronde Pierre Denis Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
De La Rua Francisco Xavier Other in DAR Ancestor Database
De La Santa Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 18
De Las Mendes Felipe Antonio Canary Islands Migration 17
Delassize Nicolas Spanish Records 114, 122, 129
Delatte Claude Spanish Records 331
Del Castillo Antonio Canary Islands Migration 7
Del Castillo Antonio Francisco Canary Islands Migration 67
Del Castillo Juan Francisco Canary Islands Migration 67
Del Castillo Manuel Honor & Fidelity 173
De Leon Augustin Pinto Canary Islands Migration 3
De Leon Josef Pablo Canary Islands Migration 6
De Leon Lorenzo Rodriguez Canary Islands Migration 18
De Leon Silvestre Canary Islands Migration 6
De Lery Francois Chauvin Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Delgado Vicente Canary Islands Migration 15
Delhomme Edme Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Delille/Delisle Nicolas Spanish Records 125
Delille/Delisle Francois Dupard Spanish Records 112
Delinel Etienne Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Delino Luis Xavier Spanish Records 114, 121, 122
Delino (Dulino) Chalmet Ignacio Spanish Records 114
De Livaudais Balthazar Spanish Records 113
De Livaudais Francois Enoul Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
De Livaudais Jean Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
De Livaudais Joseph Enoul Dugue Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Delmas Juan Bautista Spanish Records 126
Delome Jose Spanish Records 135
De Lomme Alejandro Honor & Fidelity 203
Delorier Francisco Spanish Regime in MO 184
Deloriers Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
De Los Santos Alexandro Canary Islands Migration 2
De Los Reyes Antonio Canary Islands Migration 3
Del Pino Joachim Canary Islands Migration 35
Del Pino Joachim Canary Islands Migration 35
Del Pino Josef Canary Islands Migration 19
Del Rivero Silvestre Canary Islands Migration 7
Del Rosario Natal Canary Islands Migration 74
Deluvigny Andres Spanish Records 104
De Mandeville Pierre de Marigny Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Demarais Jean Baptiste Spanish Records 331
De Marigny Pedro Honor & Fidelity 205
Demarre Amable Spanish Regime in MO 185
De Mendoza Juan Spanish Records; Canary Islands Migration 52 in DAR Ancestor Database
Demente Antonio Montesino Canary Islands Migration 7
De Mesa Christoval Canary Islands Migration 17
De Mora Juan Antonio Canary Islands Migration 61
Demoruel Pierre Spanish Records 112
Demouche Francisco Spanish Records 331
De Mouy Mauricio Honor & Fidelity; Natchitoches Colonials 209; 43
Demoye Henry MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
De Neda Augustin Diaz Canary Islands Migration 53
De Niebla Juan Antonio Canary Islands Migration 44
De Nis Sebastien Canary Islands Migration 29
Denis (Denys) Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Denis Nicolas Spanish Records 126
Denis Pierre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Denneville (Danneville) Daniel Spanish Records 125
Denoye Guiery Spanish Regime in MO 188
Deny Luis Spanish Records 124
Denys (Denis) Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
De Ojeda Juan Canary Islands Migration 42
De Orta Francisco Canary Islands Migration 21
De Paez Joachim Canary Islands Migration 2
De Placencia Gaspar  Canary Islands Migration in DAR Ancestor Database
De Placencia Juan Canary Islands Migration in DAR Ancestor Database
Depre Claude Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Depue Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Depue Joseph LA Soldiers in the Am Revolution in DAR Ancestor Database
Depue/De Pre Rene Spanish Regime in MO 185
Derbane Gaspard, the son Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Derbane Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Derbane Pierre, the son Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Derdene Atanaze Spanish Records 320
De Riano Francisco (Francisco Reano Guemes) Honor & Fidelity 216
De Rojas Alexandro Canary Islands Migration 76
De Rojas Josef Canary Islands Migration 69
De Rojas Josef Joachim Canary Islands Migration 54
De Rojas Marcos Canary Islands Migration 76
De Rojas Nicolas Canary Islands Migration 54
Derosier Alexandre MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Deroziers Pre. Spanish Records 109
Derroche Bazille Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Derroge Lorenzo Spanish Regime in MO 184
Derruen Jean Louis (Juan Luis) Spanish Regime in MO 188
Derruen Jean Baptiste (Juan Baptista) Spanish Regime in MO 188
Derruen Esteban Spanish Regime in MO 188
De Salles Luis Honor & Fidelity 110
Desaules Jean Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Desbordes Jacques MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Desbordes Santiago Honor & Fidelity 180
De Sejus Augustin Canary Islands Migration 67
Desmoulin Philippe MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Desillets Francois Chauvin de Lery Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
De Silva Tomas Canary Islands Migration 1
Deslande Jacques MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Deslandes George Spanish Records 112
Desnoyer Joseph Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39
Desorme Joseph Spanish Records 108
De Soto Jose Spanish Records 56
De Soto y Valliant Antonio Honor & Fidelity 109
Desprez Enrique Spanish Records 103, 111, 121 also 114, 122
De St Maxent Gilbert Antoine Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Detchoto Michel Spanish Records 110
De Torres Josef Canary Islands Migration 59
De Torres Juan Canary Islands Migration 56
De Torres Nicolas Canary Islands Migration 56
De Torres Pedro Canary Islands Migration 58
De Torres Salvador Canary Islands Migration in DAR Ancestor Database
De Vargas Antonio Francisco Canary Islands Migration 53
De Vargas Augustin Martel Canary Islands Migration 57
De Vargas Christoval Canary Islands Migration 56
De Vaugine (Vaugine) Etienne Martin Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
DeVaux dit Platillo Mathieu Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
De Vega Andres Canary Islands Migration 29
De Vega Estevan Canary Islands Migration 71
De Vega Sebastien Gonzala Canary Islands Migration 73
De Vegas Diego Honor & Fidelity 155
De Vera Don Joachim Canary Islands Migration 67
De Verbois Nicolas Honor & Fidelity 226
De Verges Francois Xavier Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Deville Charles Spanish Records 116
De Ville de Goutin Carlos Honor & Fidelity 110
De Ville de Goutin Joseph Honor & Fidelity 111
De Villemont Carlos Honor & Fidelity 156
De Villiers Balthazar Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
De Villiers Charles Phillipe Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
De Villiers Louis Coulon Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
De Villiers Marcos Honor & Fidelity 111-112
De Zaitord Ricardo Spanish Records 52
Dhollande Jean Spanish Records 112
Diaz Andres Canary Islands Migration; Spanish Records 7; 60
Diaz Antonio Canary Islands Migration 55
Diaz Bartolome Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Diaz Bartolome Canary Islands Migration 19
Diaz Bartolome 2nd Canary Islands Migration 33 may be same as DAR patriot
Diaz Blas Canary Islands Migration; Spanish Records 1; 61
Diaz Domingo Canary Islands Migration 2
Diaz Joachim Canary Islands Migration 35
Diaz Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 2
Diaz Josef Justo Canary Islands Migration 21
Diaz Juan Canary Islands Migration 35
Diaz Juan Canary Islands Migration 5
Diaz Manuel Canary Islands Migration 7
Diaz Salvador Canary Islands Migration 57
Dios Joseph Landry dit Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Doblin Noel Spanish Records 135
Doca Miguel Montes Canary Islands Migration 69
Dodie Agustin Spanish Regime in MO 188
Dodie Gabriel Spanish Regime in MO 188
Dofen Antonio Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Dofen Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Dole Pierre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Dolet Pedro Spanish Records 125
Dominguez Andres Canary Islands Migration 5
Dominguez Antonio Vincente Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Dominguez Domingo Antonio Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Dominguez Josef Canary Islands Migration 21
Dominguez Josef Diaz Canary Islands Migration 58
Dominguez Juan Honor & Fidelity 112-113
Dominguez Manuel Canary Islands Migration 22
Dominguez (Dau Mingau) Pierre Spanish Records 320
Donoso Melchor Diaz Canary Islands Migration 35
Donzel Pedro Spanish Records 57
Doriocurt Francisco Spanish Records 3
Dorlac Francois Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Dornout Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
D'Orbanne Juan Spanish Records 54
D'Ortolant Bernardo Honor & Fidelity; Natchitoches Colonials 181; 38, 43
Dorvint Alfonzo Spanish Records 136
Dorvint Antonio Spanish Records 136
Doucet Baptiste MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Doucet Jean MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 56
Doucet Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Doucet Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Doucet Michel MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 55, 290
Doucet Paul Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Doucet Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Doucet Pierre Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Douet Guillaume Spanish Records 106
Dozac Antoine Spanish Records 331
Dragon Michael Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Dreux Guido Honor & Fidelity 182
Driole Luis Spanish Records 123
Drolet Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Drouain Joseph Spanish Records 246
Drouet Francois Spanish Records 107
Drouet Juan Luis Spanish Records 125
Drouin Esteban (Derruen) Spanish Regime in MO 188
Drouin Jean Baptiste (Juan Baptiste Derruen) Spanish Regime in MO 188
Drouin Jean Louis (Juan Luis Derruen) Spanish Regime in MO 188
Du Fossat Guy Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Duant Charle Spanish Records 290
Duant Claude Spanish Records 289
Dubal Bernardo Spanish Regime in MO 185
Dubertrand Gabriel Spanish Records 107, 110, 127
Dubois Antoine Spanish Records 107
Dubois Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Dubois  (Dubroy) Luis Spanish Regime in MO 186
Dubois Pedro Caraby dit Spanish Records 123, 124
Dubois  (Durbois) Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 186
Dubreuil Jacobo Honor & Fidelity 114
Dubroc Joseph MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Dubroy Luis Spanish Regime in MO 186
Dubuisson Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Duchene Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 185
Duchoquete Enrique Spanish Regime in MO 187
Duchoquete Francisco Spanish Regime in MO 187
Ducote Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Ducrest Laurent MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Ducrest Louis Armand Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Ducret Nicolas (dit Belhumeur) Spanish Records 104
Dufossat Antoine MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Dufour Antoine Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Dufour Charles Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Dufour Perfecto  Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Dufrene Charle Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Dufrene Jean Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Duga Jausephe Spanish Records 318
Dugas Atanas Acadian Coast in 1779 35
Dugas Francois Acadian Coast in 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Dugas Jean Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Dugas Michel MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Dugas Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Dugas Theodore Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Duhans Francois Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Duhon Baptiste MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Duhon Charles LA Soldiers in the Am Revolution in DAR Ancestor Database
Duhon Claude Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Dujo Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 188
Dulino Chalmet Ignacio Spanish Records 114
Dumpierrer Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 72
Dupard Francois Delille Spanish Records 112
Duplechain Baptiste MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Duplessis Martin Spanish Records 103, 123
Dupont Nicolas Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39
Dupree dit Darbonne Antoine Alexander Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Dupree Francois Spanish Records 104
Dupree Jacques Spanish Records 104
Dupree Jaque Spanish Records 247
Dupree Joseph, the son Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39
Dupree Laurent Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Dupree Santiago Spanish Records 125
Dupuis Andre Spanish Records 125
Dupuis Firmin Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Dupuis Joseph Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Dupuis Joseph Spanish Records 318
Dupuis Juan Bautista MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Dupuis Pierre Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Dupuy Andres Spanish Regime in MO 187
Duran Gregorio Canary Islands Migration 33
Durand Juan Baptiste Spanish Records 104, 125, 136
Durantau Pedro Spanish Records 126
Durbois Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 186
Durel Francisco Spanish Records 129
Durel Jean Baptiste Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Durel Ursin Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Duroche Pedro Spanish Records 104, 122
Dutisne Louis Spanish Records 317, 319
Duval (Dubal) Bernardo Spanish Regime in MO 185
Duvernais/Duvernay Andre MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 51; 136
Duvernais/Duvernay Francisco Spanish Records 125
Ebert Batiste Spanish Records 317
Ebert Casidan Spanish Records 318, 319
Ebert Charles Spanish Records 317
Edelmeyer Enrique Spanish Records 136
El Bueno Francisco Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
El Senor Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Elfer Maurice Le Raconteur, Vol 35 in DAR Ancestor Database
Elias Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 184
Emme Francisco Spanish Records 136
Emond Charles Spanish Records 330
Emond Francisco Spanish Records 330
Equier Ambroise Spanish Records 109
Errier Jacques Spanish Records 110
Escobar Josef Canary Islands Migration 6
Escot Juan Antonio Spanish Records 125
Esmeraldo Antonio Canary Islands Migration 12
Espino Josef Canary Islands Migration 17
Espino Juan Canary Islands Migration 18
Espino Juan Rodriguez Canary Islands Migration 71
Espino Miguel Canary Islands Migration 35
Espinosa Pedro Canary Islands Migration 46
Esteves Antonio Josef Canary Islands Migration 74
Esteves Domingo Francisco Canary Islands Migration 44
Esteves Pablo Canary Islands Migration 12
Eston Juan Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Estrada Manuel Spanish Records 3
Estrada Nicolas de Canary Islands Migration 69
Etie Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Fabre Agustin Spanish Records 126
Fabre Honore Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Fabre Jacques Spanish Records; LA Soldiers in Rev in DAR Ancestor Database
Fache Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 188
Fache Luis Spanish Regime in MO 189
Fago Andres Honor & Fidelity 186
Fainette/Fainelle Clemen Spanish Records 247
Falcon Cristoval Canary Islands Migration in DAR Ancestor Database
Falcon Gaspard Canary Islands Migration in DAR Ancestor Database
Falcon Juan Suarez Canary Islands Migration 75
Falgoust Jean Louis Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Fallar Luis Spanish Regime in MO 186
Fanguay Vincent Spanish Records 108
Farge Philibert Spanish Records 126
Fargesse Philibert Spanish Records 107
Faures Pierre Spanish Records 319
Favre Hyacinthe Spanish Records 125
Favrot (De Favrot) Pedro Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Federico Josef Honor & Fidelity 186
Federico Mathiu, el hijo MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Feneti Andres Spanish Regime in MO 184
Feret Francisco Spanish Records 109
Fernandez Alonso Spanish Records 60
Fernandez Bartolome Canary Islands Migration 15 in DAR Ancestor Database
Fernandez Diego Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Fernandez Josef Honor & Fidelity 186
Ferrand Jacques Spanish Records 106
Ferrand Juan Spanish Records 106
Ferrand Santiago Spanish Records 125
Ferrett Francisco Spanish Records 109
Ferrett Jacques Firmin Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Ferrett Joseph Spanish Records 331
Fidecharme Andres Spanish Regime in MO 189
Figuron Baptiste MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Filano Josef Canary Islands Migration 30
Filbert Arnaudt Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Filhiol Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Fiole Gaspard Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Fischelchvein Andres Spanish Records 136
Flaidel Jorge Honor & Fidelity 187
Flamin Patric Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Flandre Pedro de Spanish Records 128
Flichet Jean Baptiste Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Flores Antonio Canary Islands Migration 75
Flores Joseph Spanish Records 109
Folts Antoine Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Fontenau Augustin MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Fontenau Jacques Spanish Records 247
Fontenau Joseph Spanish Records 247
Fontenau Louis Spanish Records 247
Fontenau Simon MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Fontenau Simon Belvue MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Fontenell Martin Spanish Records 51
Fontenette Benigne Jacques Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Fontenot Augustin Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Fontenot Henri Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Fontenot Joseph Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Fontenot Louis Natchitoches Colonials; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Fontenot Philippe Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Fontenot Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Foret Pierre Paul Acadian Coast in 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Forgenel Francois Spanish Records 108
Forin Estevan Spanish Records 136
Forman Edward Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Forrest Anselme Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Forrest Paul Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Forsel Carlos Olivier Honor & Fidelity 187-188
Forstall Nicholas M. Edmond Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Fort Louis Jacques Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Forten Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Fortier Eugene Spanish Records 111
Fortier Jacques Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Fortier Michel Jr Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Fortier Santiago Honor & Fidelity 189
Fortin Jean, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Fortin Jean, pere Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Fortin Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, Oct 1782 List
Fortin Louis Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Fosse (De La Fosse) Romain Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Fossie Jean Joseph Spanish Records 111
Fostain Jacques Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Foucault Joseph Spanish Records 127
Foucher Pedro Honor & Fidelity 120
Foucheux Juan Spanish Records 109
Fouchez Pedro Spanish Records 3
Fournier Andre Spanish Records 125
Fourqueux Andre Spanish Records 110
Foutcher Santiago Spanish Records 136
Fraisinnet Carlos Spanish Records 128
Francisco Felipe Canary Islands Migration 21
Francisco Mathias Canary Islands Migration 21
Franqui Antonio Canary Islands Migration 50
Fraust Stiven Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Frean Juan de Spanish Records 3
Frederic Agustin Spanish Records 126
Frederic Andre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 42
Frederic Francois Spanish Records 109, 128
Frederic Jean Adam Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Frederic Philippe Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
  Frederick Mathias Le Raconteur, Vol 36 in DAR Ancestor Database
  Freniere Antoine Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
  Frenot Francois Spanish Records 247
  Frey Thomas Spanish Records 126
  Frilou Miguel Spanish Records 104, 124
Frozt Sentive Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Fruge Pierre Antoine Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
  Fruge/Fruger Francois MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Fry Thomas Spanish Records 126
Fuente Juan Alonso de la Canary Islands Migration 72
Fuentes Antonio de Canary Islands Migration 16
Fugan Joseph Spanish Records 125
Furget Bautista Spanish Records 124
Gagne Etienne Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Gagnier (Ganier) Pierre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 42
Gaillard Pedro Spanish Records 290
Gaillard Raymond Spanish Records 105, 122
Galan Juan Canary Islands Migration 46
Galatus Vizente Honor & Fidelity 190
Gallien Nicholas Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Galve Antonio Jr Spanish Regime in MO 184
Galve Antonio Sr Spanish Regime in MO 184
Gamache Augustin Spanish Records 331
Ganon Felizberto Spanish Regime in MO 184
Ganon Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 188
Garcia Amaro Canary Islands Migration 6
Garcia Angel Canary Islands Migration 51
Garcia Antonio Canary Islands Migration 1
Garcia Augustin Canary Islands Migration 74
Garcia Blais de Abreo Canary Islands Migration 6
Garcia Domingo Canary Islands Migration; Spanish Records 1; 83
Garcia Domingo Canary Islands Migration 3
Garcia Francisco Canary Islands Migration 6
Garcia Francisco Canary Islands Migration 73
Garcia Josef Canary Islands Migration 5
Garcia Juan Antonio Canary Islands Migration 20
Garcia de Texada Manuel Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Garcia Manuel Francisco Canary Islands Migration 20
Garcia Mariano Honor & Fidelity 190
Garcia Melchor Canary Islands Migration 20
Garcia Patricio Josef Canary Islands Migration 5
Garcia Sebastian Canary Islands Migration; Spanish Records 1; 72
Gargaret Nicolas Spanish Records 124
Garrett Joshua Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Gascon Etienne MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Gaspar Simon Spanish Records 136
Gaston Jean Spanish Records 110
Gaudaint Pierre Paul Spanish Records 111
Gaudet Charles Acadian Coast 1779; MS Valley Melange 36; 52
Gaudin Bonaventure MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Gautier Pedro Spanish Records 136
Gauvro  (Govro) Esteban Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List    
Gauvro  (Govro) Etienne, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List    
Gauvro  (Govro) Etienne, pere Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List    
Gauvro  (Govro) Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List    
Gauvro  (Govrau)  Remond  Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List    
Gelie Luis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List    
Georgius Philippe Spanish Records 128    
Gerber Santiago Spanish Records 135
Gervais Luis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, Oct 1782 List
Gil Augustin Canary Islands Migration 74
Gillama Pedro Dominguez Canary Islands Migration 51
Gille Jacques Spanish Records 109
Gilver Juan Spanish Regime in MO 187
Gimony Bernardino Canary Islands Migration 15
Girard Pierre Le Raconteur, Vol 36 223
Giroire Firmin Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Glombe Juan Bautista Spanish Records 136
Glumb Jacobo Spanish Records 136
Goddy/Godi Louis Spanish Records 109
Godoy Julian Canary Islands Migration 4
Goguet Estienne Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Goioso Migel Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Golverg Juan Federico Spanish Records 57
Gomez Angel Canary Islands Migration 43
Gomez Antonio Gonzales Canary Islands Migration 7
Gomez Augustin Spanish Records 107
Gomez Christoval Antonio Canary Islands Migration 4
Gomez Francisco Manuel Canary Islands Migration 12
Gomez Josef Canary Islands Migration 20
Gomez Josef Canary Islands Migration 41
Gomez Josef Canary Islands Migration 69
Gomez Phelipe  Canary Islands Migration 57
Gonon Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 184
Gonzales Antonio Canary Islands Migration 33
Gonzales Bernardo Canary Islands Migration 70
Gonzales Diego Canary Islands Migration 36
Gonzales Domingo Canary Islands Migration 72
Gonzales Francisco Canary Islands Migration 2
Gonzales Francisco Antonio Canary Islands Migration 55
Gonzales Gregorio Canary Islands Migration 6
Gonzales Josef Canary Islands Migration 36
Gonzales Josef Canary Islands Migration 1
Gonzales Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 2
Gonzales Juan Canary Islands Migration 4
Gonzales Juan Alonzo Canary Islands Migration 70
Gonzales Lucas Miguel Canary Islands Migration 31
Gonzales Manuel Canary Islands Migration 72
Gonzales Taxardo Matheo Canary Islands Migration 6
Gonzales Mathia Canary Islands Migration 4
Gonzales Nicolas Canary Islands Migration 51
Gonzales Patricio Canary Islands Migration 75
Gonzales Salvador Canary Islands Migration 51
Gonzalez Antonio Canary Islands Migration 30
Gonzalez Cabo Francisco Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Gonzalez Cabo Jose Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Gonzalez Juan Spanish Records 107
Gonzalez Juan Lorenzo Canary Islands Migration 61
Gonzalez Manuel Canary Islands Migration 20
Gonzalez Mathias Canary Islands Migration 30
Gonzalez Roque Antonio Canary Islands Migration 56
Gonzalez Sebastian Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Gonzalvo Ramon Spanish Records 57
Gordillo Antonio Perez Canary Islands Migration 17
Gorge Simon Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Gotie Antonio Spanish Regime in MO 184
Goutin Carlos de Ville de Honor & Fidelity 110
Goutin Joseph de Ville de Honor & Fidelity 111
Govrau  (Gauvro) Remond  Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Govro  (Gauvro) Esteban Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Govro  (Gauvro) Etienne, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Govro  (Gauvro) Etienne, pere Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Govro  (Gauvro) Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Gracia Tomas Honor & Fidelity 125
Grande Juan Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
GrandePre (De Grandpre) Carlos Luis Buche Spanish Records & Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Grange Joseph Spanish Records 247
Granssone Charle Spanish Records 246
Grappe Francois Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Grappe Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 44
Gravel Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Gravelle Alexandre Spanish Records 109, 125
Gravois Jean MS Valley Melange, V2; Le Raconteur, V36 in DAR Ancestor Database
Gremillon Joseph Spanish Records 331
Grene Francisco Spanish Regime in MO 187
Grenon Luis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Grevemberg Augustin Spanish Records 289
Grevemberg Barthelemy MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 55; 289
Grevemberg Francois Charles Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Grevemberg Jean Baptiste Spanish Records 289
Grever Ambrosio Spanish Records 136
Grezar Santiago Honor & Fidelity 191
Grezat Jacques Spanish Records 105
Griffard Alexis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Griffon Antonio Honor & Fidelity 191
Griffon Carlos Spanish Records 124
Griffon Daniel Spanish Records 50
Grillo Domingo Canary Islands Migration; Spanish Records 1; 88
Grillo Josef Garcia Canary Islands Migration 6
Grillo Juan Candelaria Canary Islands Migration 7
Grine Bartolome Spanish Records 128
Grobro Ramon Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Gros Claud Josef Le Raconteur, Vol 35 in DAR Ancestor Database
Gruy (De Gruy) Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Guebedeaux Francois Spanish Records 331
Guedes Pedro Canary Islands Migration 34
Guedry Jean Baptiste Acadian Coast in 1779 35
Guedry (Guidry) Joseph Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222 in DAR Ancestor Database
Guelle Francois Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Guenard Joseph Spanish Records 247
Guenon Pedro Spanish Records 123
Guerido Francisco Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 56
Guerin Pedro Spanish Records 106, 123
Guerra Salvador Canary Islands Migration 67
Guerrero Jose Bicente Spanish Records 57
Guidour Charles MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Guidry Joseph Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222 in DAR Ancestor Database
Guiersero Gregorio Spanish Regime in MO 187
Guievremont Etienne Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Guignan Guillermo Spanish Records 124
Guignan Pedro Spanish Records 110, 122
Guillan Juan Spanish Records 126
Guillebeau Charles Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Guillebeau Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Guillebeau Jean Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Guillemard Gilberto Honor & Fidelity 126-127
Guillory Claude MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Guillory Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Guillory Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Guillory Louis Spanish Records 247
Guimberto Jacques Spanish Records 109
Guindre Antoine Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Guion Amable Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Guion Amable Spanish Regime in MO 188
Guion Nicolas Spanish Regime in MO 185
Guiot Jean Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Guitar Pablo Spanish Regime in MO 186
Guizola Venturo Geronimo Canary Islands Migration 2
Gusman Antonio Canary Islands Migration 19
Gusman Juan Francisco Canary Islands Migration 21
Gutierrez Domingo Francisco Canary Islands Migration 51
Gutierrez Manuel Honor & Fidelity 127
Gutterrez Juan Francisco Canary Islands Migration 4
Halendais Belie . . . Spanish Records 320
Harang Alexandre Spanish Records 111
Hardouin Honore Spanish Records 110
Haydel George Honor & Fidelity; MS Valley Melange, Vol2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Hazur Delarme Luis Xavier Honor & Fidelity 192-193
Hebert Amand Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Hebert/Ebert Casiden Spanish Records 318, 319
Hebert Enrrique Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Hebert Ignacio Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Hebert Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Hebert Jean Charles Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Hebert Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Hebert Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Hebert Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Hebert Mathurin Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Hebert Prosteh Le Raconteur, Vol 36 223
Helabre Jacobo Spanish Records 318
Henet Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 188
Henrrique Josef Augustin Canary Islands Migration 35
Henrriquez Mateo Canary Islands Migration 52
Henry Jacques Spanish Records 107
Henry Jean Spanish Records 290
Henry Pierre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Henry Santiago Spanish Records 122
Hernandez Antonio Canary Islands Migration 14
Hernandez Antonio Canary Islands Migration 20
Hernandez Antonio Augustin Canary Islands Migration 7
Hernandez Antonio Josef Canary Islands Migration 53
Hernandez Bartolome Canary Islands Migration 22
Hernandez Domingo Canary Islands Migration 1
Hernandez Domingo Manuel Canary Islands Migration 59
Hernandez Estevan Canary Islands Migration 16
Hernandez Francisco Canary Islands Migration 7
Hernandez Francisco Luis Canary Islands Migration 68
Hernandez Gabriel Canary Islands Migration 19
Hernandez Guido Canary Islands Migration 5
Hernandez Josef Canary Islands Migration 52
Hernandez Josef Canary Islands Migration 57
Hernandez Josef Luis Canary Islands Migration 57
Hernandez Juan Canary Islands Migration 29
Hernandez Lorenzo Canary Islands Migration 14
Hernandez Lorenzo Azapeta Canary Islands Migration 59
Hernandez Manuel Canary Islands Migration 67
Hernandez Matias Honor & Fidelity 127-128
Hernandez Nicolas Canary Islands Migration 2
Hernandez Salvador Canary Islands Migration 57
Hernandez Sebastian Canary Islands Migration 34 in DAR Ancestor Database
Herrera Don Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 41
Herrera Francisco Antonio Canary Islands Migration 21
Herrera Josef Canary Islands Migration 31
Herrera Juan Josef de Canary Islands Migration 2
Herrera Pedro Canary Islands Migration 7
Hever Agustin Spanish Regime in MO 188
Hidalgo Bartolome Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 35
Hidalgo Cristoval Honor & Fidelity 128-129
Hidalgo Gaspard Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38
Hidalgo Josef Canary Islands Migration 13
Hiedra Domingo Canary Islands Migration 16
Himel Charles MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 50
Hochman Andres Spanish Records 136
Hochman Antonio Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Hockman Phelipe LA Soldiers in the Am Revolution in DAR Ancestor Database
Hoffpauir Thomas Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Honore Francisco Spanish Regime in MO 187
Honore Luis Spanish Regime in MO 184
Hortez Juan Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 184
Hot Carlos Spanish Regime in MO 186
Hotard Mathieu Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Houssaye (De La Houssaye) Louis Le Pelletier Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Huberdau Simon Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Hubert Francois Spanish Records 109
Hubert Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Hubierdeaux Guillaume Spanish Records 331
Huder Antonio Spanish Regime in MO 186
Huerta Lorenzo Canary Islands Migration 34
Hugon Joseph Spanish Records 109
Hulin Louis Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Humet Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 188
Hunaud Antoine Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Huno Luis Spanish Regime in MO 188
Huron Miguel Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Huval Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Hymel Carlos Spanish Records 136
Hymel David Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Hymel Pedro Spanish Records 136
Hymel Sebastien Le Raconteur, Vol 36 in DAR Ancestor Database
Ilme Bastianne Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Imbeau Jean Baptiste Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Ingle Pierre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Ingle Simon Spanish Records 126
Ivon Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Jalbro/Jaibre Jacques Spanish Records 246
Jan Rich Joseph Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 39, 42
Janeau Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Janis Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Janis Michel Spanish Records 246
Jannot Jean Baptiste Spanish Records 109
Janot Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Jansonne/Jeansonne Joseph Spanish Records 246
Jansonne/Jeansonne Paul Spanish Records 247
Jaquier Josef Spanish Records 128
Jardelas Pierre Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Jarnac Jean Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Jarrat Henry Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Jarrat Jean, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Jarrat Jean, pere Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Jarrat Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Jaulin Jean Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Jean Etienne de Spanish Records 108
Jean (De Jean) Antoine Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Jeannot Jean Baptiste Spanish Records 109
Jeansonne Charles Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Jeansonne Jean Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Jeansonne Joseph Spanish Records 246
Jeansonne Paul Spanish Records 247
Jeoffrey Ambroise Spanish Records 128
Jerman Clemente Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Jirar Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 187
Jobar Louis Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Joffrion Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Joffrion Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Joffrion Pierre Spanish Records 331
Jolin Juan Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Jonca Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 187
Joncas Chrisostome Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Joncas Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Jones Evan Honor & Fidelity; Spanish Records 193; 52
Jorda Jayme Honor & Fidelity; Spanish Records 194; 51
Joubert Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Joubert Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Jourdan Pedro Spanish Records 107, 126
Juan Bautista Manuel Spanish Records 125
Judice Louis Jacques Sr Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Judice Louis Jr Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Judice Miguel Honor & Fidelity; Acadian Coast 1779 195; 31, 34
Julie Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Juneau Augustin LA Soldiers in the Am Revolution in DAR Ancestor Database
Jung Andre Spanish Records 117, 127
Keinler Santiago Spanish Records 135
Keller Francois MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Keller Jean Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Kemps Manuel Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Labadia Silvestre Spanish Regime in MO 185
La Barre Pedro Volan (Bolant) Honor & Fidelity 195-196
La Baure Baptiste Spanish Records 289
Labbe (Labe) Jacobo Spanish Regime in MO 186
Labbe Jean Spanish Records 289
Labeuve Baptiste Spanish Records 289
Laborde Mathieu Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Labouve Marain Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Labrador Marcos Francisco Canary Islands Migration 4
La Branche Alexandre Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Labreche Juan Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 189
Labreche Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, Dec 1782 List
Labrie Pierre Spanish Records 109
Labrie Pierre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Labrose Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 186
Labuciera/Labusciere Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 184
Labuxiere Charles Joseph Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Lacabanne Pedro Spanish Records 108
Lachapelle Pierre (Pedro) Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Lachhart Don Diego Canary Islands Migration 3
La Combe Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Lacomble Nicolas Spanish Regime in MO 187
La Cour Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
La Cour Pierre Jr Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lacourse Antonio Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Lacourse Joseph Spanish Records 109
Lacourse  (La Course) Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Lacoste Claude Spanish Records 110, 126
Lacroix Baptiste Hubert Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Lacroix Francois Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Lacroix Joseph Acadian Coast in 1779 33
Lacroix Juan Luis Spanish Regime in MO 184
Lacroix Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Lacroix Pierre MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Ladner Jacques Mathurin Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Laderruta Pablo Spanish Regime in MO 185
Ladusor Antonio Spanish Regime in MO 185
La Feuillade Joseph  Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Laffitte Paul Bouet Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lafita Antonio Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Laflanbuesa Juan Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 184
La Fleur Baptiste Spanish Records 331
La Fleur  (Laflor) Francisco Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
La Fleur Jacques Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
La Fleur  (Laflor) Luis Spanish Regime in MO 185
La Forest Francois Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Lafoy Vizente Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
La Graine Simon MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Lagrange Henry MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Lagrange Jean Baptiste Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Lagrange Mauricio MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Lagrange Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Lagrenade Antonio Spanish Records 128
Lagrenade Michel Spanish Records 128
Lagron Carlos Spanish Records 135
Lahe Antonio Spanish Regime in MO 184
Laine Soumandre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Laissard Etienne Marafret Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Lajoie  (Lajoy) Antonio Spanish Regime in MO 189
Lalande Alexis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
La Lande De Ferriere Nicolas Luis Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Lalemand Nicolas, shoemaker Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Lalonde Andre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Lalonde Baptiste Spanish Records 289
Lalonnier Luis Spanish Records 125
Lalumandiere Francisco Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Lalumandiere Francois, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Lalumandiere Jean Baptiste Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Lalumandiere Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Lalumandiere Juan Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Lalumandiere Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Lamarina Juan Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 185
Lamarre Francois Spanish Records 110, 124
Lambert Luis Spanish Records 136
Lambert Pedro MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Lambert Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Lambre Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lambre Remy Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lamirande Constant MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 246
Lamirande Joseph MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Lamotte Jean Spanish Records 111
Lamy Miguel Spanish Regime in MO 187
Lancon Juan Bautista Spanish Records 122
Land (De Land) Jacques Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Lande (Delande) Estevan Spanish Records 135
Landerneau Jean Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Landreaux Francois Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Landry Alexandre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Landry Amant Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Landry Athanase Spanish Records 318
Landry Augustin Spanish Records 318
Landry Baptiste Acadian Coast in 1779 35
Landry Benjamin MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Landry Enselme Spanish Records 319
Landry Estienne Acadian Coast in 1779 37
Landry Firmin MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Landry Firmin Spanish Records 319
Landry Francois Spanish Records 319
Landry Francois TBD in DAR Ancestor Database
Landry Jans Atanaze Spanish Records 319
Landry Jean Acadian Coast 1779; MS Valley Melange 33; 52
Landry Joseph Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Landry Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Landry Joseph, fils MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Landry Joseph Marie Spanish Records 318
Landry Joseph dit Bellehomme Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Landry Joseph dit Dios Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Landry Joseph dit Viellard Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Landry Marin Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Landry Maturin Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Landry Olivier MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Landry Paul Marie Spanish Records 318, 320
Landry Pierre Acadian Coast 1779; MS Valley Melange 37; 52
Landry Saturnine Spanish Records 290
Landry Simon Acadian Coast in 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lange Antoine Spanish Records 109
Langelier Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Langlois Antoine Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Langlois Francisco Honor & Fidelity 197
Langurand Dominque Spanish Records 105
Lanoue Pierre Acadian Coast in 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lanzos Manuel Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Laperle Pierre Spanish Records 109
Lapierre Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 187
Lapierre Juan Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 186
Larche Charles Spanish Records 331
Larcheveque Santiago Honor & Fidelity; Spanish Records 198; 51
Larduera Antonio Spanish Regime in MO 187
Larduera Jacobo Spanish Regime in MO 187
Larduera Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 187
Larduera Luis Spanish Regime in MO 187
Larenodiere Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 44
Larenodiere Pierre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 44
Larespere Francois Spanish Records 109
Larien Juan Spanish Records 126
Larieux Estevan Spanish Records 128
Laronde Pedro Spanish Records 128
Larrivee Eustache Spanish Records 126
Larrivee/Larrieu Juan Spanish Records 126
Larue (Lerru) Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 185
Lasablonera Jacobo Spanish Regime in MO 187
La Sassier Julian Spanish Records 121
Laseigne Ponse MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
La Serre Jean Baptiste MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Lasonda Antonio Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Lasonde Luis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
La Source  (Lasource) Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Lasource Regis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Lasourse Miguel Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Lasudray Luis Spanish Regime in MO 185
Latournelle Santiago Spanish Records 135
La Tulippe Augustin Spanish Records 331
Laugurand Domingo Spanish Records 125
Laurent Gabriel Spanish Records 108
Lauve dit Colin Nicolas Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Lavagne Pierre Spanish Records 109
Lavallee Simon Spanish Records 331
Lavergne Alain Spanish Records 125
Lavergne Francisco Spanish Records 109, 126
Lavergne Louis Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Lavergne Michel Spanish Records 109
Lavergne Nicolas Spanish Records 109
Lavergne Pierre Spanish Records 127
Lavigne Honore Spanish Records 136
Lavigne Joseph MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Lavigne Laurent Le Raconteur, Vol 36 220
Lavigne Pierre MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 50; 136
Lavigne Santiago Spanish Records 136
Laville Pedro Spanish Records 127
Lavillebeuvre Jean Louis Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Laviolette Juan Spanish Records 136
Lebeau Francois Militiamen Ste Genevieve, 1779, Oct1782 List
Le Blanc Anselme/Enselme Acadian Coast in 1779 35
Le Blanc Come MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Le Blanc Esteban/Estienne Honor & Fidelity; Acadian Coast 1779 199; 32
Le Blanc Gille / Gil MS Valley Melange, V2; Le Raconteur, V36 51; 223
Le Blanc Isaac Honor & Fidelity; Acadian Coast 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Le Blanc Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Le Blanc Jerome Acadian Coast in 1779 35, 38
Le Blanc Joseph Honor & Fidelity 131
Le Blanc Joseph Spanish Records 317, 319, 320
Le Blanc Joseph Acadian Coast in 1779 36
Le Blanc Marcel Acadian Coast in 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Le Blanc Mathurin Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Le Blanc Pierre Jacques Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Le Blanc Rene Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Le Blanc Silvin Acadian Coast in 1779 31, 35
Le Blanc Simon Le Raconteur, Vol 36 220
Le Blanc Simon MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Le Blanc Simon Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Le Blanc Valentin Honor & Fidelity 132
Le Blanc de Villenueve Pablo Luis Honor & Fidelity 199-200
Le Blon Juan Bautista Spanish Records 124
Le Boeuf Andres Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 44
Le Boeuf Charles MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Le Boeuf Charles Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Le Boeuf Jean Francois Dominique Le Raconteur, Vol 36 in DAR Ancestor Database
Le Boeuf Louis Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Le Boeuf Pierre Charles Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Lebrar Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Le Breton Bartholome Honor & Fidelity 200
Le Breton Dorgenois Francisco Jos. Spanish Records 113
Le Brun Guilhaume Natchitoches Colonials; Spanish Records 39; 125
Leche Michel MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Le Clair Basile Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Lecler Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Leclerc Francois Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Lecomte Ambrose Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lecomte dit Cheletre Francois Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Leconte/Le Conte Francois Spanish Records 319
Leconte Guillermo Spanish Regime in MO 184
Leconte Guillermo Spanish Regime in MO 188
Leconte Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 188
Leconte Nicolas Spanish Regime in MO 184
Ledlmer Henry MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Ledoux Charles MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Ledoux Jean Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Ledoux Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Leduc dit Ville Franche Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Leduc Luis Militiamen Ste Genevieve,1780, Dec1782 List
Lefevre Antoine Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 37
Leger Paul / Pablo MS Valley Melange, V2; Le Raconteur, V36 52; 222
Leger Paul MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Leger (Legee) Simon Spanish Records 330
Legre Jean Baptiste Spanish Records 330
Legros Francois Spanish Records 330
Lejeune Blaise Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Lejeune Charles Spanish Records 331
Lejeune Jean Baptiste MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Lejeune Joseph MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Lejeune Michel Spanish Records 331
Lejeune Pierre Braur Spanish Records 320
Leleux Francois Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Lelian Francisco Canary Islands Migration 6
Lemarre (Lamarre) Francisco Spanish Records 124
Lemay (Le May) Baptiste Le Raconteur, Vol 36 223
Le Melle Francisco Honor & Fidelity 201
Lemere Louis Spanish Records 104
Lemez Luis Spanish Regime in MO 187
Lemineur Pierre Spanish Records 109
Lendreneaux Jean Pierre Spanish Records 331
Lenoir Antoine Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Leon Augustin Pinto de Canary Islands Migration 3
Leon Josef Pablo Canary Islands Migration 6
Leon Lorenzo Rodriguez de Canary Islands Migration 18
Leon Silvestre de Canary Islands Migration 6
Leonard Estevan Spanish Records 127
Leonard John Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Leonare Jean Baptiste Spanish Records 330
Lepir Juan Spanish Regime in MO 185
Le Roy Luis Spanish Records 126
Lerru Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 185
Lery (De Lery) Francois Chauvin Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Le Sassier Alexandre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Le Sassier Julian Honor & Fidelity 202
Le Sassier Vizente Joseph Honor & Fidelity; Spanish Records 202; 51
L'Espine Jacques Spanish Records 290
Lestrade Pierre Spanish Records 109
Lestage Guillaume Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 37, 42 in DAR Ancestor Database
Lettre Jean Spanish Records 247
Levrard Alexandre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Levigneur Presique Spanish Records 330
Lhabet Jacques Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Liberge Pedro Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Lignac Jean Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Limier Antoine Spanish Records 126
Lincour Charles Acadian Coast in 1779 31, 35
Lioteau Esprit Spanish Records 127
Lioteau Francisco Spanish Records 107, 122
Liret Luis Spanish Regime in MO 185
Lisoro Fernando Honor & Fidelity 132
Livaudais Balthazar de Spanish Records 113
Livaudais (De Livaudais) Francois Enoul Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Livaudais (De Livaudais) Jean Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Livaudais (De Livaudais) Joseph Enoul Dugue Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Livernois Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Llanos Josef Gonzalez Canary Islands Migration 76
Lofficier Jean MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 56
Lognon (Lono) Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780, 1782 Lists
Lombar Michel Spanish Records 109
Lomme Alejandro de Honor & Fidelity 203
Lopez Antonio Canary Islands Migration 45
Lopez Bartoleme Canary Islands Migration 32
Lopez Domingo Canary Islands Migration 32
Lopez Gabriel Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Lopez Gaspar Canary Islands Migration 73
Lopez Gaspar Ortiz Canary Islands Migration 15
Lopez Josef Canary Islands Migration 7
Lopez Josef Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 4
Lopez Josef Perez Canary Islands Migration 73
Lopez Lorenzo Canary Islands Migration 6
Lopez Pedro Canary Islands Migration 60
Lopez Ramon Canary Islands Migration 45
Lopez Sevastian Canary Islands Migration 35
Lorain Jean Baptiste Spanish Records 111
Lorain Nicolas Spanish Records 111
Lorain Pierre Spanish Records 111
Lorain Santiago Spanish Records 125
Lorenzo Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 187
Lorenzo Tomas Canary Islands Migration 46
Loriol Pedro Spanish Records 136
Lorrose Todos Santos Spanish Regime in MO 187
Loso Josef Francisco Canary Islands Migration 7
Loubie Manuel Spanish Records 107, 124
Louviere Charle Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Luby Pedro Spanish Records 126
Lucas dit Latrousse J. L. Spanish Records 107, 127
Luese Alexandro Spanish Regime in MO 187
Lugar Juan Antonio Honor & Fidelity 203
Lunardin Dominique Spanish Records 124
Lusere Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 187
L'Ynfortune Pierre Spanish Records 109
Macarty Juan Bautista Honor & Fidelity 203-204
Macarty Luis Honor & Fidelity 204
Macau Joseph Spanish Records 136
Machado Antonio Canary Islands Migration 61
Machado Domingo Canary Islands Migration 75
Machado Francisco Alvarado Canary Islands Migration 14
Machado Francisco Lopez Canary Islands Migration 35
Macias Luis Canary Islands Migration 16
Macnemara Patricio Spanish Records 112
Madere Daniel Le Raconteur, Vol 35 in DAR Ancestor Database
Magnon Arnault Spanish Records 125
Mailloux Ignace Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 37
Major Etienne Dit Bosseron Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Mala Luis Spanish Records 136
Maldonado Antonio Honor & Fidelity 134
Maldonado Jose Spanish Records 57
Mallar Luis Spanish Records 136
Mallorquin Francisco Antonio Canary Islands Migration 6
Malouin Josef Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Mandeville (De Mandeville) Pierre de Marigny Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Manian Barthelemy Spanish Records 128
Mansano Thomas Spanish Records 57
Mansit Phelipe Gonzalez Canary Islands Migration 55
Manuel Mathurin MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 56
Manuel Pierre Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Marcantel Francois Nicolas MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Marchan Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Marchand Pedro Spanish Records 107, 123
Marchauf Joseph Spanish Records 108
Marche Andre (Endre) Spanish Records 247
Marchena Jose Spanish Records 57
Marchoteau Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 185
Marcil Luis Spanish Regime in MO 188
Marcollay Paul Honor & Fidelity; Natchitoches Colonials 204; 37
Marcotte Jean Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Marechal  (Marichar) Antonio Spanish Regime in MO 185
Marechal Francois Spanish Regime in MO in DAR Ancestor Database
Marechal  (Marichar) Jacobo Spanish Regime in MO 185
Marechal  (Marichar) Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 185
Margota Jacques TBD in DAR Ancestor Database
Marie Jean Spanish Records 109
Marigny Pedro de Honor & Fidelity 205
Marino Mathias Diaz Canary Islands Migration 32
Marion Pierre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Marionneaux Charles Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Marionneaux Louis Spanish Records 330
Marly Francois Sorel dit Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Marmillon Pierre Bozonnier Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Marotau Juan Luis Spanish Records 125
Marotau Pedro Spanish Records 128
Marrero Bartolome Canary Islands Migration 34 in DAR Ancestor Database
Marrero Josef Canary Islands Migration 69
Marrero Julien Canary Islands Migration 61
Martel Antonio Canary Islands Migration 35
Martel Jose Spanish Records 57
Martel Josef Canary Islands Migration 7
Martin Ambroise Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Martin Anselme Spanish Records 289
Martin Antonio Canary Islands Migration 16
Martin Baltasar Canary Islands Migration 3
Martin Bonaventure Spanish Records 290
Martin Domingo Canary Islands Migration 67
Martin Estevan Spanish Records 124
Martin Josef Canary Islands Migration 4
Martin Josef Canary Islands Migration 3
Martin Josef 2nd Canary Islands Migration 2
Martin Josef Augustin Canary Islands Migration 75
Martin Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Martin Joseph Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Martin Juan Antonio Canary Islands Migration 75
Martin Mathias Canary Islands Migration 15
Martin Miguel Canary Islands Migration 30
Martin Paul Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Martin Pedro Canary Islands Migration 5
Martin Pedro Canary Islands Migration 7
Martine Francisco Spanish Records 125
Martinez Antonio Spanish Records 60
Martinez Don Juan Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 184
Martinez Francisco Honor & Fidelity 134-135
Martinez Manuel Honor & Fidelity 135
Martinez Santiago Honor & Fidelity 206
Martiny Juan Spanish Regime in MO 188
Masse Baptiste MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 56
Massicot Jacques Bernard Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Massicot (Masicot) Santiago Honor & Fidelity; Spanish Records 207; 135
Massip Jean Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Materne Andres Spanish Records 136
Materne Jacques MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 50
Materne Santiago Spanish Records 136
Matheo Josef Canary Islands Migration 36
Matheos Manuel Canary Islands Migration 4
Matherne Nicholas Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Mathias Juan Alonso Canary Islands Migration 74
Mathurin Jacques Spanish Records 109
Mathurin Joseph Spanish Records 108
Matis Jerome Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Matis Nicolas Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Matoj Ignacio Antonio Canary Islands Migration 41
Matte (Moutte) Francois Spanish Records 289
Maurau Joseph Spanish Records 246
Maurice Jean Baptiste, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Maurice Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Maux Michel Spanish Records 289
Maxent Antoine Gilberto Spanish Records 122, 129
Maxent Maximiliano Spanish Records 114, 121, 122
Mayard Louis MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Maydre Philippe MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Mayer Juan Spanish Records 136
Mayeux Baptiste Spanish Records 331
Mayeux Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Mayox Tomas Canary Islands Migration 22
Meaux Michel Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Mederon Juan Canary Islands Migration 3
Medina Bartolome Canary Islands Migration 58
Medina Josef Canary Islands Migration 68
Medina Juan Canary Islands Migration 30
Meilleur Jean Baptiste Spanish Records 105, 122
Melancon Baptiste MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Melancon Baptiste Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Melancon Charles Acadian Coast in 1779 32
Melancon Etienne MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Melancon Jacques Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Melancon Joseph Honor & Fidelity; Acadian Coast 1779 in DAR Ancestor Database
Melancon Joseph Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Melancon Juan Bautista MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Melancon Olivier MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Melchor Francisco Garcia Canary Islands Migration 52
Melchor Juan Josef Garcia Canary Islands Migration 52
Melenson Jausephe Spanish Records 317
Melian Juan Canary Islands Migration 16
Melian Juan Sanchez Canary Islands Migration 34
Melian Manuel Canary Islands Migration 59
Melo Domingo Canary Islands Migration 34
Melo Manuel Canary Islands Migration 34
Melo Patricio Canary Islands Migration 34
Menard Pierre Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Mendes Felipe Antonio de las Canary Islands Migration 17
Mendez Cayetano Canary Islands Migration 55
Mendez Matheo Canary Islands Migration 5
Mendoza Christoval Canary Islands Migration 57
Mendoza (De Mendoza) Juan Spanish Records; Canary Islands Migration 52 in DAR Ancestor Database
Mendoza Pedro Canary Islands Migration 53
Menendez Antonio Canary Islands Migration 55
Meneses Tomas Canary Islands Migration 68
Mentzinger Enrique Honor & Fidelity 207
Mentzinger Juan Bautista Honor & Fidelity 208
Mercier Francois  Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Mercier Jean Spanish Records 112
Mercier Luis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Mercier (Mercie) Luis Spanish Regime in MO
Mercier Nicolas Militiamen Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1780, 1782
Mercier Pedro Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Merican Juan Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Mesa Christoval de Canary Islands Migration 17
Mesa Josef Canary Islands Migration 74
Mesplais Pierre Militiamen Ste Genevieve,1779, Dec1782 List
Metalie Jacque Spanish Records 247
Metayer Jacques MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Metoyer Claude Thomas Pierre Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Meullion Enemond Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Meulon Jeanote Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39
Michon Alexandro Spanish Regime in MO 186
Michon Lorenzo Spanish Regime in MO 185
Mideingle Juan Bautista Spanish Records 125
Miguez Juan Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Milan Salvador Canary Islands Migration 32
Milhomme Francois Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Milhomme Jean Baptiste MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Millon Jacques Spanish Records 112
Millon Mauricio Spanish Records 112
Millot Labry Joseph TBD in DAR Ancestor Database
Mina Juan Rodriguez Canary Islands Migration 54
Minor Stephen/Esteban Honor & Fidelity 136
Miranda Francisco Canary Islands Migration 6
Miranda Josef Canary Islands Migration 5
Miranda Josef de la Honor & Fidelity 208
Mire (Mirke) Jacque Spanish Records 247
Miro Estevan Spanish Records 2
Mirre Joseph Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Mirre Simon Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Molero Ntal Luis Canary Islands Migration 69
Molina Santiago Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 74
Mollere Francois Acadian Coast 1779; MS Valley Melange 31, 35; 52 in DAR Ancestor Database
Mollere Joseph Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Molon Jacques Spanish Records 107
Molon Santiago Spanish Records 127
Mondion Joseph Spanish Records 105
Mondion Pierre Spanish Records 104, 112, 127
Mondon Joseph MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Monet Louis Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Monget Francois Spanish Records 104
Monget Jean Louis Spanish Records 104, 122
Monpensier Pierre MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Monrroy Josef Honor & Fidelity 136
Montanary Josef Spanish Records 123
Montardy Don Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 184
Monteduc Michel Spanish Records 109
Montegut Manuel Spanish Records 105
Montesdocco Francisco Canary Islands Migration 20
Montesenos Juan Josef Canary Islands Migration 59
Montesino Demente Antonio Canary Islands Migration 7
Montesino Blas Antonio Canary Islands Migration 4
Montesino Josef Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 3
Montesinos Lorezo Antonio Canary Islands Migration 61
Montreuil Francisco Honor & Fidelity 137
Monzon Bartolome Canary Islands Migration 42
Monzon Francisco Canary Islands Migration 34
Monzon Josef Canary Islands Migration 73
Moquin Jacques Spanish Records 109, 128
Mora Juan Antonio de Canary Islands Migration 61
Morales Antonio Josef Canary Islands Migration 7
Morales Diego Canary Islands Migration 22
Morales Domingo Vicente Canary Islands Migration 15
Morales Fernando Canary Islands Migration 41
Morales Ignacio Martin Canary Islands Migration 54
Morales Josef Canary Islands Migration 14
Morales Josef Pablo Canary Islands Migration 61
Morales Juan Canary Islands Migration 42
Morales Lorenzo Canary Islands Migration 42
Moran Martin Spanish Records 111
Morancy Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1780 Lists
Morand Carlos Spanish Records 114, 121, 123
Morandiere (De La Morandiere)  Etienne Robert Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Morant Francois Spanish Records 289
Moraux Francois Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Moreau (Moro) Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 187
Moreau Francois Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38
Moreau Joseph MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Moreau (Moran) Martin Spanish Records 111
Moreaux Francisco Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Morel Jean Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Morene Augustin Spanish Records 111
Moressaux Louis, fils Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Morian Juan Diego Canary Islands Migration 51
Morin Augustin Spanish Records 125
Morin Christophe Spanish Records 331
Morin Francisco Spanish Records 107, 127
Morin Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Morin Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 42
Morino Gil Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38
Morissaux Jean Baptiste Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Morizo Luis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Moro Antonio Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Moro Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 187
Morphy (Murphy) Edouard  Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Morrissaux Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Morvant Francois, the father Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Mouton George Le Raconteur, Vol 36; MS Valley Melange in DAR Ancestor Database
Mouton Jean Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Mouton Joseph Spanish Records 110
Mouton Louis Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Mouton Maitre MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Mouton Marin Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Moutte Francois Spanish Records 289
Mouy Mauricio de Honor & Fidelity 209
Murphy (Morphy) Edouard  Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Narbone Antonio Spanish Records 54
Navarre Juan De Lugo Canary Islands Migration 44
Navarro Antonio Juan Canary Islands Migration 59
Navarro Blas Spanish Records 57
Navarro Vicente Antonio Canary Islands Migration 5
Navas Jose Francisco Spanish Records 57
Neda Augustin Diaz de Canary Islands Migration 53
Neda Lorenzo Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 6
Neda Mathias Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 13
Negron Gabriel Alberto Canary Islands Migration 52
Negron Josef Alverto Canary Islands Migration 50
Negron Pedro Josef Alverto Canary Islands Migration 50
Neris Juan Canary Islands Migration 3
Nezat Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Nezer Antonio Augustin Canary Islands Migration 43
Nicolas Antoine Spanish Records 104
Nicolas Bertrand Spanish Records 104, 122
Nicolas Jacques Spanish Records 104
Nicolas Jean Spanish Records 107, 126
Nicolas Joseph Spanish Records 104, 124
Niebla Juan Antonio de Canary Islands Migration 44
Nieves Bernardo Canary Islands Migration 41
Nis Sebastien de Canary Islands Migration 29
Nitar Pierre Spanish Records 109
Niza Pierre Spanish Records 290
Noriega Jose Honor & Fidelity 138
Norman Martin Honor & Fidelity 209-210
Normand Charles Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Normand Jean Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Normant Daniel Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Nourry Francisco Spanish Records 109, 128
Nuez Manuel de la Canary Islands Migration 73
Nunez Villavicencio Manuel Canary Islands Migration 2
Obuchon  (Aubuchon) Antoine Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Obuchon  (Aubuchon) Pedro  Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, Feb 1783 List
Oconor Mauricio Spanish Records 51
Ojeda Christoval Canary Islands Migration 18
Ojeda Gregoria Canary Islands Migration 18
Ojeda Juan de Canary Islands Migration 42
Ojeda Manuel Canary Islands Migration 18
Olazo Jose Maria Spanish Records 57
Olivares Marcos Spanish Records 107, 126
Olivier Charles Honore Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Olivier Juan Bautista Honor & Fidelity 210
Olivier Nicolas Joseph Godefroy Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Olivier Pedro (Derneville) Honor & Fidelity 139
Olivier de Forselle Carlos Honor & Fidelity 210-211
Olivo George Spanish Records 331
Ollier Jacques Spanish Records 107
Ollier Luis Spanish Records 126
ONeill Arturo Honor & Fidelity 139-140
Opmane Antoine MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Oramas Francisco Garcia Canary Islands Migration 75
Orilion Joseph Spanish Records 318, 320
Orra Anrry Spanish Regime in MO 185
Orta Francisco de Canary Islands Migration 21
Ortes Jean Baptiste Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Ortiz Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 188
Ortiz Joseph Alvarez LA Soldiers in the Am Revolution in DAR Ancestor Database
Ortolant Jean Spanish Records 247
Osorio Jose Antonio Spanish Records 57
Osorio Mariano Spanish Records 109
Osorno Joaquin Honor & Fidelity 140
Otonere Luis Sr Spanish Regime in MO 186
Ourso Martin Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Outar Mathieu Spanish Records 105, 127
Ouvre Henry (Henrique) MS Valley Melange, V2; Le Raconteur, V36 52; 222
Owry Jean Baptiste TBD in DAR Ancestor Database
Ozenne Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Padilla Miguel Canary Islands Migration 42
Padrino Andres Canary Islands Migration 4
Paez Joachim de Canary Islands Migration 2
Paille dit La Note Juan Spanish Records 125
Paille dit Saladier Juan Spanish Records 108
Pain Francisco Honor & Fidelity 211
Palao Don Antonio Ferry Canary Islands Migration 29
Palao Don Ignacio Ferry Canary Islands Migration 12
Palao Don Martin Ferry Canary Islands Migration 12
Palao y Pratz Antonio Honor & Fidelity 141
Palermo Juan Spanish Records 57
Palmas Francisco Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 68
Papen Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 185
Papin Juan Maria Spanish Regime in MO 184
Paquen Luis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Paquin Nicolas Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Paran Todos Santos Spanish Regime in MO 185
Pare (Par) Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 185
Parent Esteban (Etienne) Militiamen SteGenevieve,1779,1780,Dec1782
Parent Pierre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Parisigny Domingo Honor & Fidelity 211
Parriot Etienne Le Raconteur, Vol 36 223
Parrott Alphonso Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Part Olivier Le Raconteur, Vol 36 221
Patin Antoine Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Patin Jean Joseph Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Patut Luis Spanish Records 126
Paty Salomon Spanish Regime in MO 186
Paul Jean Spanish Records 247
Pauly Joseph Honor & Fidelity; Spanish Records 211-212; 52
Pavie Etiene Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38
Pavie Joseph Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 37, 42
Paytre Cristofe Spanish Records 247
Paz Antonio de la Canary Islands Migration 53
Paz Bernardo de la Canary Islands Migration 53
Paz Josef Antonio de la Canary Islands Migration 44
Paz Josef Maria de la Canary Islands Migration 44
Pecheret Francisco Spanish Records 105
Pecheret Miguel Spanish Records 128
Pedres Bernardo Canary Islands Migration 2
Pellerin Louis Barthelemy Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Pellerin Louis Gerard Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Pelletier Francois MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Pelletier Julien Spanish Records 109
Pelletier (Peltie) Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 187
Pena Francisco Canary Islands Migration 20
Pena Josef Antonio de la Canary Islands Migration 75
Pena Josef Lopez de la Honor & Fidelity; Spanish Records 107; 3
Penel Pierre MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Penon Gregorio Morzon Canary Islands Migration 51
Pepen Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 185
Pepin Pierre Spanish Records 109
Peralta Juan Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Peraux Remi Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Peraza Salvador Canary Islands Migration 30
Percy Jacques Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Perdamo y Quintana Ventura Canary Islands Migration; Spanish Records 1; 76
Perdomo Juan Canary Islands Migration 53
Perellier (Perillar) Antoine Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Perera Andres Canary Islands Migration 33
Perera Josef Canary Islands Migration 14
Perera Roque Josef Canary Islands Migration 54
Perera Sevastien Canary Islands Migration 43
Perez Antonio Canary Islands Migration 42
Perez Bartolome Canary Islands Migration 33
Perez Bartolome Canary Islands Migration 73
Perez Francisco Canary Islands Migration 7
Perez Jean Spanish Records 110
Perez Josef Alesandro Canary Islands Migration 15
Perez Josef Lorenzo Canary Islands Migration 75
Perez Juan Canary Islands Migration 58
Perez Luis Honor & Fidelity 143
Perez Luis Canary Islands Migration 41
Perez Manuel Antonio Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Perillar (Perellier) Antoine Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Perne Ignace Spanish Records 331
Peron Agustin Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Peron Francois Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Peron Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 187
Peron Manuel Canary Islands Migration 55
Perrault Chrisostome Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 44
Perrault Pedro Spanish Records 128
Perret Alphonse Spanish Records; Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Perret Manuel Honor & Fidelity 213
Perret Pierre Pujole Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Pertuit (Portuit) Francisco Spanish Records 136
Pertuit Nicolas Spanish Records 110, 126
Pery Alexis Spanish Records 111
Pestano Antonio Garcia Canary Islands Migration 52
Pestano Juan Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 12
Petely Jose Honor & Fidelity 144
Pety Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 188
Peyrin Pedro Spanish Records 107, 124
Phelipe Francisco Canary Islands Migration 52
Philibert Arnaud Spanish Records 106, 124
Picard Joseph MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Picard Juan Spanish Records 126
Picote De Belestre Francois Louis Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Picou Jean Louis MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Picou Nicolas MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 50
Piernas Pedro Honor & Fidelity; Spanish Records 145; 2
Pierre Guillaume Jean Spanish Records 109
Pierre Joseph Le Raconteur, Vol 36 223
Pilet Juan Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, Jan 1783 List
Pimentel Antonio Suerio Canary Islands Migration 12
Pinan Antoine Spanish Records 109
Pineda Salvador Josef Canary Islands Migration 76
Pino Joachim del Canary Islands Migration 35
Pino Joachim del Canary Islands Migration 35
Pino Josef del Canary Islands Migration 19
Pinotel Michel MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 50
Pio Pietro Canary Islands Migration 68
Pipes Bernard Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 43
Piquery Antonio Spanish Records 112
Piquery Nicolas Spanish Records 112, 122
Pisero Bernardo Antonio Canary Islands Migration 56
Pitre Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Placencia (De Placencia) Gaspar  Canary Islands Migration in DAR Ancestor Database
Placencia (De Placencia) Juan Canary Islands Migration in DAR Ancestor Database
Placensas Josef Canary Islands Migration 7
Plaisance Mathieu Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 37, 42
Plancha Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 187
Planta Antonio Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Plante Alexis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Plante Nicolas Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Plaset Joachim Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Plaset Michel Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Plaset Pierre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1780 Lists
Platille Mathieu Spanish Records 105, 126
Plauche Etienne Henri Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Plaucher Antoine Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Plazencia Juan Manuel Canary Islands Migration 53
Plazencia Pedro Francisco Manuel Canary Islands Migration 52
Plest Juan Bautista Spanish Records 125
Ploser Antonio Spanish Records 123
Poche Francois Jr MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Poche Francois Sr Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Pogy Antoine Spanish Records 109
Poiret (Poirret) Florentin MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Poiret Jean MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 54; 247
Poiret Joseph Spanish Records 247
Poissot Athanase Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Poissot Remy Jr Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Pollock Oliver Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Polo Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 186
Pommier Jean Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Pommier Jean MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Pont Nicolas Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 44
Porche Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Porche Jean Francois Spanish Records 330
Porche Joseph Spanish Records 330
Porche Michel LA Soldiers in the Am Revolution in DAR Ancestor Database
Porche Simon Spanish Records 330
Poree Charle Spanish Records 103
Poree Thomas Spanish Records 103, 122
Porsley Juan Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 184
Portais Jean Baptiste Spanish Regime in MO in DAR Ancestor Database
Portal Pierre Spanish Records 106
Porten Francisco Spanish Regime in MO 187
Portier George Eustache MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Portier Simon MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Portuit Francisco Spanish Records 136
Postigo Fernando del Honor & Fidelity 147
Potier Luis Spanish Regime in MO 184
Poulle Juan Spanish Records 126
Pourciau Jean Baptiste Spanish Records 330 in DAR Ancestor Database
Poyra Jean Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38
Pradie Gabriel Spanish Records 136
Pradier Joseph MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Pratte Jean Baptiste Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Pratte Jean Baptiste Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Prejean Basil Acadian Coast in 1779 31
Prejean Joseph MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Prejean Marin Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Prevost Baptiste MS Valley Melange, V2; Spanish Records 55; 289
Prevost dit Collet Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Prevost Joseph Collet Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Prevost Louis MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Prevost Nicolas MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Prevost Pablo Spanish Records 125
Prevost Pierre MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Prevost Salomon Spanish Records 112
Priestman Thomas Spanish Records 247
Prieto Juan Antonio Canary Islands Migration 7
Primeaux Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Probanche Juan Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 185
Probansal Joseph Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Probansal Luis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Probo Juan Spanish Regime in MO 186
Provensal Augustin Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Prudhomme Antoine Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Prudhomme Francois Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 43
Prudhomme Jean Pierre Emmanuel Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 43 in DAR Ancestor Database
Prudhomme Michel Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Prudhomme Sebastien, the son Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39
Quare Francois Spanish Records 247
Quebedeaux Francois Spanish Records 331
Querry Antoine Spanish Records 111
Querry Luis Spanish Records 123
Quesada Antonio Canary Islands Migration 6
Quevido Miguel Canary Islands Migration 30
Quienel Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 184
Quinones Estevan Spanish Records 108
Quintana Domingo Canary Islands Migration 75
Quintana Francisco Canary Islands Migration 71
Quintana Josef Angel Canary Islands Migration 18
Quintana Juan Canary Islands Migration 73
Quintana Luis Canary Islands Migration 73
Quintana Manuel del Pino Canary Islands Migration 73
Quintana Miguel Canary Islands Migration 68
Quintero Christoval Canary Islands Migration 15
Quintero Christoval Canary Islands Migration 21
Quintero Josef Canary Islands Migration 2
Quintero Manuel Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Rabalais Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Raballet Jean Baptiste Spanish Records 331
Rabelle Antonio Spanish Records 127
Raber David Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Rabine Robert Le Raconteur, Vol 36 223
Rachal Barthelemy Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Rachal Julien Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Rachal Louis Barthelemy Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Rachal dit St Denys Jacob Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 38, 42
Raimundo Juan Garcia Canary Islands Migration 50
Raine Jean (Janraine) Spanish Records 318
Raitre Michel Spanish Records 247
Rambau Alexis Spanish Records 108, 124
Rambin Francois Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 37, 42
Rambin Michel Antoine Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Ramires Antonio Canary Islands Migration 15
Ramires Francisco Canary Islands Migration 21
Ramires Ignacio Canary Islands Migration 30
Ramires Josef Sanchez Canary Islands Migration 35
Ramires Salvador Canary Islands Migration 30
Ramirez Christoval Canary Islands Migration 29
Ramirez Juan Canary Islands Migration 61
Ramirez Juan Canary Islands Migration 71
Ramise Antonio Spanish Records 128
Ramon Manuel Canary Islands Migration 67
Ramos Francisco Ortega Canary Islands Migration 31
Rando Gregorio Judas Canary Islands Migration 16
Ransan Louis Spanish Records 110
Rapicault Rene Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Ratte Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Ravale Jean Baptiste MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Ravelo Domingo Luis Canary Islands Migration 59
Ravelo Salvador Luis Canary Islands Migration 17
Ravelos Antoine Spanish Records 109
Ravers Jean Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Raymond Zacharie Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 39, 43
Rebel Juan Spanish Records 126
Reggio Luis Honor & Fidelity 215
Reine Etienne Spanish Records; MS Valley Melange, V2 in DAR Ancestor Database
Releva Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 43
Renaud Estevan Spanish Records 127
Renaud Louis Spanish Records 106
Renne Estevan Spanish Records 136
Renne Pedro Spanish Records 136
Renne/Renee Richard Acadian Coast in 1779 36
Reveron Juan Josef Canary Islands Migration 20
Revoille Pedro Spanish Records 135
Rey Salvador MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Reyes Antonio de los Canary Islands Migration 3
Reyes Pedro Selos Canary Islands Migration 35
Reyez Juan Antonio Canary Islands Migration 53
Riano Francisco de (Francisco Reano Guemes) Honor & Fidelity 216
Ribar Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 188
Ribet Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 185
Ricard Louis MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 55
Richard Fabien Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Richard Paul (Polle) Spanish Records 318, 319
Richard Pierre Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Richard Victor Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Ride Lorenzo Spanish Regime in MO 188
Ride Luis Spanish Regime in MO 188
Rillieux Louis Honor & Fidelity 216
Rillieux Pedro Spanish Records 136
Rillieux Vincent Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Rios Blas Canary Islands Migration 44
Rios Manuel Spanish Records 56
Ritter Michel Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Rivar Paul Spanish Records 109
Rivart Juan Bautista Spanish Records 125
Rivas Francisco Honor & Fidelity 147-148
Rivera Antonio Spanish Regime in MO 188
Rivera Baptista Spanish Regime in MO 188
Rivera Phelipe Spanish Regime in MO 188
Rivera Sebastien Canary Islands Migration 73
Rivero Silvestre del Canary Islands Migration 7
Rivet Blaise Spanish Records 318
Rivette Francois Spanish Records 317
Rivette Pierre Spanish Records 317
Rivette Sirille Spanish Records 320
Rivette Teodore Spanish Records 318
Riviere Antoine Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Rixner Jorge Spanish Records 135
Rixner Juan Luis Spanish Records 136
Rober Christobal Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Robert Hipolito Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779, 1782 Lists
Robert Louis Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Robichaux Isidore MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 52
Robicho Henry Acadian Coast in 1779 36
Robichot Freme Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Robin Roberto Spanish Records 51
Robinet Louis Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Roc Dominique Spanish Records 109, 128
Rocas Josef Hernandez Canary Islands Migration 59
Roche Andre Henri Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Rochefort Carlos Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List
Rodrig Antonio Valentin Canary Islands Migration 68
Rodriguez Antonio Canary Islands Migration 19
Rodriguez Antonio Canary Islands Migration 55
Rodriguez Antonio Josef Canary Islands Migration 4
Rodriguez Christoval Canary Islands Migration in DAR Ancestor Database
Rodriguez Domingo Miguel Canary Islands Migration 56
Rodriguez Fernando Canary Islands Migration 35 in DAR Ancestor Database
Rodriguez Francisco Canary Islands Migration 32
Rodriguez Isidro Canary Islands Migration 50
Rodriguez Jean Baptiste Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Rodriguez Josef Canary Islands Migration 5
Rodriguez Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 13
Rodriguez Juan De Leon Canary Islands Migration 33
Rodriguez Juan Del Pino Canary Islands Migration 36
Rodriguez Manuel Honor & Fidelity 217
Rodriguez Manuel Canary Islands Migration 45
Rodriguez Mateo Canary Islands Migration 43
Rodriguez Natal Canary Islands Migration 70
Rodriguez Nicolas Canary Islands Migration 5
Rodriguez Salvador Canary Islands Migration 20
Rodriguez Tomas Antonio Canary Islands Migration 55
Rodriguez Xptoval Spanish Records 56
Roger Jean Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Roger Joseph Acadian Coast in 1779 36
Roger Louis Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Roig y Girona Miguel Honor & Fidelity 217-218
Roja Juan Antonio de la  Canary Islands Migration 68
Rojas Alexandro de Canary Islands Migration 76
Rojas Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 54
Rojas Josef de Canary Islands Migration 69
Rojas Josef Joachim de Canary Islands Migration 54
Rojas Marcos de Canary Islands Migration 76
Rojas Nicolas de Canary Islands Migration 54
Roland Baptiste Spanish Records 111
Rom/Romm David MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Rom/Romm Jean MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Roman Diego Antonio Canary Islands Migration 6
Roman Jacques Etienne Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Romano Manuel Canary Islands Migration 31
Romarque Renault MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 54
Rome Andre MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 50
Romero Augustin Canary Islands Migration 19
Romero Bartolome Canary Islands Migration 20
Romero Diego Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Romero Felipe Sanchez Canary Islands Migration 31
Romero Juan Alonso Canary Islands Migration 32
Romero Lorenzo De Cubas Canary Islands Migration 45
Ronde (De La Ronde) Pierre Denis Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Ronquillo Juan Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Roque Ignacio Perez Canary Islands Migration 7
Roquigny Antonio Spanish Records 126
Roquigny Francisco Spanish Records 125
Rosales Antonio Canary Islands Migration 72
Rosario Natal del Canary Islands Migration 74
Rouquier Francois Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
Rousseau Jacques Le Raconteur, Vol 36 220
Rousseau Nicholas Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Rousseau Pierre Georges Honor & Fidelity in DAR Ancestor Database
Roussel Juan Bautista Spanish Records 125
Roussel Thomas MS Valley Melange, Vol 2 51
Rousselle Mathias La Raconteur, Vol 35 in DAR Ancestor Database
Rousseve Juan Bautista Honor & Fidelity 219
Roussin Nicolas Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Rouvier Francisco Spanish Records 126
Rover Luis Spanish Regime in MO 186
Roy Carlos Spanish Regime in MO 187
Roy Francisco Spanish Records 109
Roy Joachim Spanish Regime in MO 189
Roy Joseph Marie Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Roy Nicolas Spanish Regime in MO 184
Roy Noel Jacques Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Roy Pedro Spanish Regime in MO 187
Roy Pierre Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1779 List
Roy Sauveure Le Raconteur, Vol 36 222
Rua (De La Rua) Francisco Xavier Other in DAR Ancestor Database
Ruano Alonso Canary Islands Migration 13
Rubidu Joseph Spanish Regime in MO 187
Rubio Gaspar Spanish Regime in MO 188
Rubio Josef Antonio Canary Islands Migration 69
Ruby Salvador Honor & Fidelity 219-220
Rucerbe Bautista Honor & Fidelity 220
Ruiz Josef Gonzales Canary Islands Migration 58
Ruiz Pablo Canary Islands Migration 13
Sabatier Jerome Spanish Records 109
Saboren Andrez Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
Sabua Juan Luis Spanish Regime in MO 184
Saez Juan Honor & Fidelity 149
Saider Pierre Clavis Spanish Records; Natchitoches Colonials in DAR Ancestor Database
Saint Eloy Daniel Spanish Records 125
Saintpe Pierre Spanish Records 111
Salazar Jose Spanish Records 60
Samson Francois Spanish Records in DAR Ancestor Database
Samson Joseph Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 43
Samuel dit Lyonais Jean Baptiste Natchitoches Colonials, 1722-1803 in DAR Ancestor Database
San Chermen Francisco Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
San Francisco Antonio Spanish Regime in MO 188
San Juan Gorge Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1780 List
San Martin Juan Baptista Militiamen of Ste Genevieve, 1782 List <