General |
Revolutionary War Pension
Ancestry.com |
Revolutionary War Pension
Fold3 |
To view images, this database
requires a subscription to Fold3. First select
a state of service under the column labeled "State."
Then either select a surname letter or use the "Search
within: Revolutionary War >>
Revolutionary War Pensions >> State" search box to find a person of interest.
Revolutionary War Service
Records (Free
Transcript) |
Revolutionary War Service
Fold3 |
To view images, this database
requires a subscription to Fold3. First select
a state of service under the column labeled "State."
Then use the "Search
within: Revolutionary War >>
Revolutionary War Service Records >> State" search box to find a person of interest.
Rosters of Revolutionary War
Soldiers and Sailors |
Images of published state
rosters of Revolutionary War soldiers from the states of
Alabama, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Vermont,
and Virginia. |
Revolutionary War Rolls 1775 -
1783 |
Read the instructions on this
FamilySearch page. |
Revolutionary War Rolls
Fold3 |
To view images, this database
requires a subscription to Fold3. First select
a state of service under the column labeled "State."
Then use the "Search
within: Revolutionary War >>
Revolutionary War Rolls >> State" search box to find a person of interest.
Revolutionary War Pension
Payment Ledgers 1818-1872 |
Historical Register of Officers
of the Continental Army During the War of the Revolution |
Use the resource to locate the
service of officers in the Continental Army. NOTE:
The title page is blurry, but most of the text is clear.
Revolutionary War Bounty Land
Ancestry.com |
Search land grants awarded by
state governments (CT, GA, MD, MA, NY, NC, PA, SC, VA). |
A Report of the Names, Rank and
Line of Every Person Placed on the Pension List In Pursuance
of the Act of the 18th March, 1818 |
Transcript of the Pension List
of the United States
(1813) |
Rejected or Suspended
Applications for Pensions |
Pierce's Register
(see pages 149 - 712) |
Digested Summary and
Alphabetical List of Private Claims Presented to the House
of Representatives from the First to the Thirty-First
Congress. |
Vol1 A - G
Vol2 H - O
Vol3 P - Z |
Volumes 1 & 3 are only available
on Ancestry.com. After finding a name of interest
in one of the 3 volumes above, write down the person's name, Congress
number (e.g., 3rd, 8th, 15th, etc.), session number (1, 2,
or 3), and journal page
number. Next, search the
House Journals for the item of interest. |
American State Papers:
Claims Volume
(check index at end) |
Public Lands
Vol5 |
Vol8 |
The 8 volumes concerning
Public Lands
and the single volume concerning
Claims in the American State Papers can also be
here. |
American Prisoners of the
Revolution |
The Medical Men of the
Revolution |
Naval Records of the American
Revolution, 1775-1788 |
The Navy of the American
Revolution |
Final Payment Vouchers Index for
Military Pensions, 1818-1864
Fold3 |
An important resource for
identifying the date of death of a Revolutionary War
pensioner. |
Papers of the Continental
Congress (1775 - 1789) |
The Papers of the Continental
Congress are
available for FREE at Fold3. Use the "Search
within: Revolutionary War >>
Continental Congress - Papers" search box to find a person of interest. |
Connecticut |
The Record of Connecticut Men in
the Military and Naval Service During the War of the
Free |
The Record of Connecticut Men in
the Military and Naval Service During the War of the
Ancestry.com |
Lists and Returns of Connecticut
Men in the Revolution, Vol. 12 |
Rolls & Lists of Connecticut Men
in the Revolution, Vol. 8
Connecticut Non-Military Service
in the Revolutionary War
(Civil Service & Patriotic
Service) |
"Connecticut Town
Meeting Records
During the American
by Jolene Roberts
Mullen, 2011, Vols. 1 & 2 |
This detailed
work lists
individuals who were
elected to serve in
a civil service
capacity as well as
took the
oath of fidelity.
If you need a
email me
your ancestor's name
and the name of town
where he resided during the Revolutionary War. Records
for the towns of Lyme and Waterbury are not included.
For individuals residing in the towns of Lyme and Waterbury,
see the link immediately above. |
Connecticut Archives:
Indexes to
Series I
(8 volumes)
Series III |
The 8 volumes of indexes for Series I listed on the
right-hand side of the Series I link above cover the
following surnames: Volume 1 (A-B), Volume 2 (C), Volume 3
(D-G), Volume 4 (H-K), Volume 5 (L-M), Volume 6 (N-Q),
Volume 7 (R-S), and Volume 8 (T-Z).
If you find an ancestor in the
index, the records can be viewed through the
DAR Patriot Records Project.
The Public Records of the Colony
of Connecticut, Vol. 15 May 1775 - June 1776 |
Public Records of the State of Connecticut, October 1776 -
February 1778
The Public Records of the State
of Connecticut, May 1778 - April 1780 |
The Public Records of the State
of Connecticut, January 1782 - December 1782 |
Delaware |
Delaware Archives
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Delaware Signers of the Oath of
Allegiance |
You must be signed on to a free
account on FamilySearch to view this source. |
Georgia |
Authentic List of All Land
Lottery Grants Made to Veterans of the Revolutionary War by
the State of Georgia
You must be signed on to a free
account on FamilySearch to view this source. |
Land Lottery of Georgia in 1827
You must be signed on to a free
account on FamilySearch to view this source. |
Revolutionary Soldiers' Receipts
for Georgia Bounty Grants
You must be signed on to a free
account on FamilySearch to view this source. The index is at the beginning of
the volume. |
"Georgia Revolutionary Bounty
Land Records"
NOTE: Only pages 1-44 &
48-89 are acceptable for service.
Email me
for a lookup in this source. |
"Georgia Citizens & Soldiers
of the American Revolution" |
Email me
for a lookup in the index of this source. |
The Revolutionary Records of the
State of Georgia, Vol. 1 |
The Revolutionary Records of the
State of Georgia, Vol. 2 |
The Revolutionary Records of the
State of Georgia, Vol. 3 |
The Cherokee Land Lottery
Ancestry.com |
Louisiana |
Robert Churchill's Spanish
Records, Lists of Men Under General Don Bernardo de Galvez
in His Campaign Against the British
Scroll down on the page to access
the manuscript in 6 parts. A General Index to Names
is in
Part 1. |
The Spanish Regime in Missouri
Volume 1
Volume 2
Maryland |
and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety.
Vol. 11,
Vol. 12,
Vol. 16,
Vol. 21,
Vol. 43,
Vol. 45,
Vol. 47,
Vol. 48 |
Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops
1775-1783, Vol. 18.
Use the search box in the upper
right corner of the page to search this resource for
Maryland military service. |
Maryland 1783 Tax Assessment |
A portion of the 1783 tax
assessment in Maryland went to support the war effort.
Thus, if an ancestor is found on the 1783 Maryland tax
assessment list, he or she qualifies for patriotic service.
Images of the actual records are available
this link
courtesy of the Maryland Society SAR. In addition, these records have been transcribed, and the transcriptions
are available
at this link.
NOTE: When reviewing the transcriptions be sure to
scroll through the ENTIRE list or use your browser's "Find" feature as the lists are not completely alphabetized. |
Revolutionary Records of
Maryland |
You must be signed on to a free
account on FamilySearch to view this source. Includes lists of men who took
the oath of allegiance in Montgomery, Washington, and
Frederick Counties as well those who
served in a civil capacity in Prince George's County,
MD. |
Signers of the Oath of
In addition to the 3 counties
listed in the link above, the DAR GRC database has the
signers of the oath of allegiance for 13 Maryland counties.
Maryland GRC s1 v61 contains the lists for
Harford, Washington, and Montgomery Counties. Maryland GRC s1 v62 contains the list for
Charles County.
Maryland GRC s1 v63 contains the list for St. Mary's,
Calvert, Baltimore, Talbot, and Dorchester Counties.
Maryland GRC s1 v100 contains the list for Worcester County.
Maryland GRC s1 v15 contains the list for Caroline County.
District of Columbia GRC s1 v124 contains the list for Queen
Anne's County. (See the links below for Cecil, Prince George's,
and Anne Arundel
Counties.) Use the
Advanced Search page of the GRC database to search a
specific GRC volume for your ancestor's name.
Prince George's County Oath of
Allegiance 1778
Anne Arundel Co. Oath of
Part 1
Part 2
Frederick County 1775 List
of Associators
Maryland Revolutionary Records
You must be signed on to a free
account on FamilySearch to view this source. |
Maryland Records: Colonial,
Revolutionary, & Church V. 1 |
Maryland Records: Colonial,
Revolutionary, & Church V. 2 |
Massachusetts |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Aacher - Bert)
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Bese - Byxbe)
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Caal - Cory)
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Cose - Dryer)
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Duarell - Foys) |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Fracer - Gypson)
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Haagg - Hixson) |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Hoadley - Jypson) |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Kain - Lreebee) |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Luaas - Mopsy) |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Mor - Pazel) |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Peabadey - Razey)
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Rea - Seymr) |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Sha - Sthenfield) |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Stibbens - Tozer) |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Tracey - Wheylon) |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War (Surnames Whicher - Zyranius) |
Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors
in the Revolutionary War
Ancestry.com |
This book for Massachusetts
military service is available for free. It is also on
Ancestry.com. |
Massachusetts Town Officials
1775 - 1783
(Civil Service) |
Maine Town Officials 1775 - 1783
(Civil Service) |
Report of the Record
Commissioners of the City of Boston Containing Selectmen's
Minutes from 1776 through 1786 |
Names of Soldiers of the
American Revolution who Applied for State Bounty under
Resolves of May 17, 1835, March 24, 1836, and March 20, 1836
Unpublished List of
Massachusetts Citizens Who Loaned Money to the Government
During the Revolution
(see pages 316 - 345) |
Documentary History of the State
of Maine, Vol. 14 |
Documentary History of the State
of Maine, Vol. 15 |
Documentary History of the State
of Maine, Vol. 16 |
Documentary History of the State
of Maine, Vol. 17 |
Documentary History of the State
of Maine, Vol. 18 |
Documentary History of the State
of Maine, Vol. 19 |
Documentary History of the State
of Maine, Vol. 20 |
New Hampshire |
New Hampshire Revolutionary War
Miscellaneous Revolutionary War
Documents of New Hampshire, Vol. 30
In April 1776, men over 21 years
of age in New Hampshire were required to sign the
Association Test. If your ancestor is listed as a
signer, he is eligible for patriotic service. |
New Hampshire Town Officials
1775 - 1783
(Civil Service) |
Documents and Records Relating
to the State of New Hampshire, Vol. 8
Documents Relating to Towns in
New Hampshire |
Documents Relating to the Rolls
of Soldiers in the
Revolutionary War
Vols 14
New Jersey |
New Jersey Taxpayers List July
1779 - 1783 (Supply Tax) |
If your ancestor lived in
New Jersey, he or she may have paid the supply tax. To
be eligible for patriotic service, the tax must have been
paid after 08 June 1779. The tax
lists for Bergen, Essex, Gloucester (Waterford & Woolwich Townships
only), Hunterdon, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, and Somerset
Counties for late 1779 and/or 1780 ONLY have been indexed. An index for last names
starting with
A - B,
C - D,
E - H,
I - L,
M - O,
P - R,
S - U,
V - Z
is available online. NOTE: This is a
your ancestor is NOT listed and you believe he/she should
email me your ancestor's name,
county, and township of
residence. I will check a different list. |
The tax
Gloucester County,
Cumberland County,
Cape May County,
and Hardyston Township in Sussex County have been indexed on
Ancestry.com in
this database.
NOTE: Be sure that the tax was paid after 08
Jun 1779 and before 26 Nov 1783. |
Inventories of Damages by the British and
Americans in New Jersey 1776 - 1782
A claim of damages caused by the
British can qualify as patriotic service. |
Documents Relating to the
Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Extracts
From American Newspapers, Vol. 1, 1776-1777 |
Documents Relating to the
Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Extracts
From American Newspapers, Vol. 2, 1778 |
Documents Relating to the
Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Extracts
From American Newspapers, Vol. 3, 1779 |
Documents Relating to the
Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Extracts
From American Newspapers, Vol. 4, 1779-1780 |
Documents Relating to the
Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Newspaper
Extracts, Vol. 5, 1780-1782 |
Minutes of the Provincial
Congress and the Council of Safety of the State of New
Jersey |
New York |
New York in the Revolution, Vol.
15 |
New York in the Revolution, Vol.
Ancestry.com |
This book for New York service
is available for free, and it is also on Ancestry.com. |
Calendar of Historical
Manuscripts Relating the War of the Revolution in the Office
of the Secretary of State, Vol. 1 |
Calendar of Historical
Manuscripts Relating the War of the Revolution in the Office
of the Secretary of State, Vol. 2 |
Volume 1 contains lists of
Signers of the Association (i.e., signers of the oath of
allegiance). Volume 2 contains an index to both
volumes. |
Signers of the Association |
In addition to the resource
immediately above, lists of Signers of the Association for
the following counties in New York are online:
New York 1779 Supply Tax Lists |
Indexes of the
NY 1779 supply tax lists are available for most of the
districts in Albany (surnames
A - G,
H - R, and
S - Z) and
Westchester Counties.
IMPORTANT NOTE: As NSDAR has not yet confirmed
that the 1779 tax
records for ALL of the districts listed in Albany County are
acceptable, please contact NSDAR before
an application using a 1779 tax list as a source of service
for a district in Albany County.
Minutes of the Commissioners for
Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the State of New
York, Vol. 1, 1778-1779 |
Minutes of the Commissioners for Detecting and Defeating
Conspiracies in the State of New York, Vol. 2, 1780-1781 |
Minutes of the Commissioners for
Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the State of New
York, Vol. 3, Analytical Index |
Public Papers of George Clinton,
Vol. 2,
Vol. 3,
Vol. 4,
Vol. 5,
Vol. 6,
Vol. 7,
Vol. 8,
Analytical Index A-F,
Analytical Index G-Z |
Minutes of the Albany Committee
of Correspondence 1775-1778, Vol. 2 |
North Carolina |
North Carolina Troop Returns |
Click here for a finding aid for the link
Colonial and State Records of
North Carolina, Vol 1 - 25 |
To browse the Colonial and State
Records of North Carolina by military records,
click here.
To review the index,
click here. |
North Carolina Revolutionary War
Pay Vouchers |
For information about the
payment system in North Carolina during the Revolutionary
click here. |
"Abstracts of
Land Entries
(multiple volumes,
various counties),"
by A. B. Pruitt
(Albert Bruce Pruitt) and others such as W. P. Haun and
Edith Huggins. |
MAN who entered a land
claim for a land grant between 1 Jan 1778 and 26 Nov 1783 in
NC was required to take the oath of allegiance.
(NOTE: Apparently
women entering a claim for land were NOT required to take
the oath of allegiance.) Thus, if
your MALE ancestor entered a claim for land in the appropriate
time frame, he would be eligible for patriotic service.
If you would like a lookup in
the index of land entries,
email me
your ancestor's name and county of residence. NOTE: Please
be aware that the index lists ALL the names mentioned in the
abstracts including the names of those owning property next
to the property of the land claim. Thus, not all of
the individuals listed in the index entered a claim for
land. In addition, the index does not state when the
claim was made, but the claim would have been sometime from
Land entries for the following counties are
available online:
New Hanover,
Orange 1,
Orange 2,
Rowan, Surry,
Wayne, and
If your county is not online, a list of all of the books
available from Albert Bruce Pruitt is
here. |
North Carolina Sources of Civil Service
If your ancestor served in a
civil capacity between 19 Apr 1775 - 26 Nov 1783, he is
eligible for civil service. |
Granville County Signers of the
Oath of Allegiance
Randolph Co. Oath of Allegiance
Request Lookup
Historical Sketches of North
Carolina |
The Annals of Tennessee |
See pages 134-138 for a list of
the signers of the Watauga Association petition. |
Pennsylvania |
Pennsylvania Archives
The Pennsylvania Archives are
available for FREE at Fold3. Use the "Search
within: Revolutionary War >> Pennsylvania
Archives" search box to find a person of interest. |
Pennsylvania Revolutionary War
Abstract Card Indexes
This database contains
transcriptions of data extracted from original records in
the custody of the State Archives concerning Revolutionary
War service in the Pennsylvania Militia, Pennsylvania Line,
and the Navy.
Pennsylvania in the War of the
Revolution: Battalions and Line 1775-1783, Vol. 1 |
Pennsylvania in the War of the
Revolution: Battalions and Line 1775-1783, Vol. 2 |
Pennsylvania Supply Tax |
The supply tax supported the war
effort. If your ancestor is listed as paying the Pennsylvania supply tax
sometime during the years of 1779 - 1783, he or she is eligible for patriotic
Berks County Oath of Allegiance
Request Lookup
Cumberland County Oath of
(PA Archives FREE) |
Lancaster County Oath of
Lancaster 1,
Lancaster 2,
Lancaster 3,
Hanover 1,
Hanover 2,
Little Britain,
(PA Archives FREE on Fold 3) |
Philadelphia Oath of Allegiance
(PA Archives FREE on Fold 3) |
Names of Persons Who Took the
Oath of Allegiance to Pennsylvania, 1777-1789 |
Rhode Island |
Vital Record of Rhode Island
1636-1850 v. 12 |
Civil and Military List of Rhode
Island 1647-1800: List of Officers
(Volume 1) |
New Index to the Civil and Military Lists of Rhode Island,
Records of the Colony of Rhode
Island and Providence Plantations in New England, Vol. 7 |
Records of the Colony of Rhode
Island and Providence Plantations in New England, Vol. 8 |
Records of the Colony of Rhode
Island and Providence Plantations in New England, Vol. 9 |
Revolutionary Defences (sic) in
Rhode Island |
Spirit of '76 in Rhode Island
Irish Rhode Islanders in the
American Revolution |
Rhode Island in the Continental
Congress 1765-1790 |
South Carolina |
Accounts Audited of Claims
Growing out of the Revolution in South Carolina, 1775-1856 |
To access these images,
click here.
Click "Enter On-line Records Index." Next,
select "Show advanced search functions" at the bottom
of the search box immediately above the Search button.
In the Record group drop-down menu at the top of the search
box, select Combined Index to Records Series 1675-1929.
In the Series drop-down menu, select S108092: Accounts
Audited of Claims Growing Out of the Revolution. Type a
last name in Individual search box. Click the Search
button. In the results list, click "Online images
available" on the far right side of the page for a
result of interest. For
more information about this source of service,
click here.
Stub Entries to Indents Issued
in Payment of Claims Against South Carolina Growing Out of
the Revolution, Book I
Stub Entries to Indents Issued
in Payment of Claims Against South Carolina Growing Out of
the Revolution, Books L - N |
Stub Entries to Indents Issued in Payment of Claims Against
South Carolina Growing Out of the Revolution, Books O - Q |
Stub Entries to Indents Issued in Payment of Claims Against
South Carolina Growing Out of the Revolution, Books R - T |
Stub Entries to Indents Issued
in Payment of Claims Against South Carolina Growing Out of
the Revolution, Books U - W |
Stub Entries to Indents Issued
in Payment of Claims Against South Carolina Growing Out of
the Revolution Book X - Part II
Indexes to
Stub Entries to Indents
Book B,
Book X- Part I,
Books Y-Z
(no title page)
The Jury Lists of South Carolina
Ancestry.com |
Revolutionary War Pension
Applicants Who Served From South Carolina |
You must be signed on to a free
account on FamilySearch to view this source. |
Documents Relating to the
History of South Carolina During the Revolutionary War |
The History of South Carolina in the Revolution, 1775-80 |
The History of South Carolina in
the Revolution, 1780-83 |
Journal of the Commissioners of
the Navy of South Carolina
October 9, 1776 - March 1, 1779
July 22, 1779 - March 23, 1780 |
South Carolina Historical and
Genealogical Magazine,
Vol. 1 & 2,
Vol. 3 & 4 |
The content for the book "South
Carolina Provincial Troops Named in Papers of the First
Council of Safety of the Revolutionary Party in South
Carolina, June-November 1775" published in 1977 was
excerpted from the sources above.
Vermont |
Vermont Rolls of the Soldiers in
the Revolutionary War 1775-1783
Free |
Vermont Rolls of the Soldiers in
the Revolutionary War 1775-1783
Ancestry.com |
his resource for Vermont
military service is available for free, and it is also on
Ancestry.com. |
Vermont Town Officials 1775 -
1783 (Civil
Service) |
State Papers of Vermont: Journals
and Proceedings of the General Assembly, Vol. 1
State Papers of Vermont: Journals
and Proceedings of the General Assembly, Vol. 2
State Papers of Vermont: Journals
and Proceedings of the General Assembly, Vol. 3
State Papers of Vermont: General
Petitions, Vol. 8
You must be signed on to a free
account on FamilySearch to view this source. |
Records of the Council of Safety
and Governor and Council of the State of Vermont, Vol. 1 |
Records of the Council of Safety
and Governor and Council of the State of Vermont, Vol. 2 |
Records of the Council of Safety
and Governor and Council of the State of Vermont, Vol. 3 |
Vermont Historical Gazetteer
Catalogue of the Principal
Officers of Vermont 1778-1851
Virginia |
Virginia Revolutionary War
Records Vol. 1
You must be signed on to a free
account on FamilySearch to view this source. |
Virginia Militia in the
Revolutionary War |
List of the Revolutionary
Soldiers of Virginia
Virginia 1783 Personal Property
Tax and
1783 Land Tax |
A portion of the 1783 Virginia
personal property tax and land tax went to support the war
effort. Thus, if an ancestor is listed as having paid
the personal property tax or land tax in Virginia in 1783,
he or she qualifies for patriotic service. |
to the names in the 1783 tax records.
Click the letter of a surname of interest. |
G |
P-Q |
Y-Z |
Microfilms of the
Virginia personal
property tax lists and
Virginia land tax lists for most counties/cities in Virginia can
be ordered from the Library of Virginia through interlibrary
loan at no charge. |
Virginia Revolutionary War
Public Service Claims
Library of Virginia has changed its site. You can no
longer begin a search with a specific database.
Rather, you must first conduct a general search and then
"lock in" a specific database. At the link above, type
a first name and last name along with the words public
claims (e.g., John Smith public claims) in the search box.
When the results appear, look in the margin on the left side
of the page under Collections for "Revolutionary War Public Service Claims"
and click the link. Stay in the left margin and hover
your mouse over "Revolutionary War Public Service Claims"
which now appears under Active Filters near the top of the
left margin. Click the lock icon to "lock in" the
database for any subsequent searches in this session.
In May 1780, the Virginia
General Assembly passed an act authorizing the governor to
impress supplies needed by the American army. The governor
appointed commissioners in each locality to carry out the
terms of the act. When the commissioner impressed property,
he gave the owner a certificate describing what was taken.
Between 1781 and 1783 county courts held special sessions at
which certificates were presented and authenticated.
This database is an index
to documents relating to
Virginia citizens' claims for compensation.
Virginia Sources of Civil Service
If your ancestor served in a
civil capacity between 19 Apr 1775 - 26 Nov 1783, he is
eligible for civil service. |
Virginia Revolutionary War Warrants
View images of 4748
Revolutionary War Warrants issued to Virginia veterans or
their assigns prior to 1792.
Early Certificates of Settlement
and Preemption Warrants in Kentucky County, Virginia
This database includes some
counties in VA, WV, and KY. If your ancestor received
a preemption warrant, he would have taken the oath of
allegiance. Thus, he would be eligible for patriotic
service. |
Annals of Southwest Virginia
Ancestry.com |
County Committees of 1774 - '75
page 94 and
page 245
A Short Census of Virginia 1779
Request Lookup |
A list of over 4,200 men and
women throughout Virginia who exchanged currency to aid the
economy. See patriot John Christian (a1748-a1801). |
A List of Non-Commissioned
Officers and Soldiers of the Virginia Line
You must be signed on to a free
account on FamilySearch to view this source. The book above also includes a
list of non-commissioned officers and soldiers in the
Virginia STATE line (see page 53 which is re-numbered as
page 1). |
Calendar of Virginia State
Vol. 1,
Vol. II,
Vol. III
Frontier Advance on the Upper
Ohio 1778 - 1779
Frontier Defense on the Upper
Ohio, 1777 - 1778
The Revolution on the Upper
Ohio, 1775 - 1777
Patriots |
Index to French Revolutionary
War Patriots |
This index includes the names of
more than 50,000 men from France that aided the Americans
during the Revolutionary War.
Click a letter corresponding to
a surname of interest. |
E-F |
Lh-Lz |
Ro-Rz |
U-Z |
Click here
for an excellent tutorial on researching French
The largest French genealogy
database is
Geneanet. |
French Canadian
Patriots |
Index to French Canadian
Revolutionary War Patriots |
One of the major sources for
this index is the the journal of Francois Baby, Gabriel Taschereau, and Jenkin Williams. Several months after the Battle of Quebec in May 1776, Governor Carleton ordered a survey to identify the Canadians who had helped the Americans. Francois Baby, Gabriel Taschereau, and Jenkin Williams travelled the province and counted the Canadians who actively provided such help. They recorded the specific actions of those who assisted the Americans in a journal, and an English translation of the journal was published in 2005 in the book "Quebec During the American Invasion, 1775-1776."